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 "She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..."

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Join date : 2017-09-12

"She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..." Empty
PostSubject: "She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..."   "She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..." Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 2:49 pm

"She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria, with the location of the security cameras clearly marked"

From Brooks book, I just couldn't help but pause there. They never even glanced at the cameras? Do you guys feel like this is true?
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Posts : 1707
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Forum Reputation : 440
Join date : 2015-03-31
Location : The Masovian Lowland

"She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..."   "She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..." Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2018 2:56 pm

Of all the people who wrote and spoke about Columbine, Brooks and Richard are probably the least trustworthy imho.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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"She saw that it was a homemade diagram of the cafeteria..."
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