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 MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...

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MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Empty
PostSubject: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 3:48 am

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So they are basically sueing people who have brought lawsuits against them.  While I tend to agree that MGM should not be held accountable, I think the following stament is just ludicrous. 

“If defendants were injured by Paddock’s assault, as they allege, they were inevitably injured both because Paddock fired from his window and because they remained in the line of fire at the concert.”

First off, The people who were injured, for the most part, didn’t know which direction the bullets were coming from.  Secondly, I imagine it’s pretty damn hard to escape when the shooter had the advantage that Paddock had, basically shooting from a high rise building.  I mean, it’s not like these people chose to just stand there and get shot or trampled.  Maybe, I am misunderstanding what they are implying from the above statement, but if not this just seems ignorant to me.
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PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 8:15 am

Ainjel wrote:
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So they are basically sueing people who have brought lawsuits against them.  While I tend to agree that MGM should not be held accountable, I think the following stament is just ludicrous. 

“If defendants were injured by Paddock’s assault, as they allege, they were inevitably injured both because Paddock fired from his window and because they remained in the line of fire at the concert.”

First off, The people who were injured, for the most part, didn’t know which direction the bullets were coming from.  Secondly, I imagine it’s pretty damn hard to escape when the shooter had the advantage that Paddock had, basically shooting from a high rise building.  I mean, it’s not like these people chose to just stand there and get shot or trampled.  Maybe, I am misunderstanding what they are implying from the above statement, but if not this just seems ignorant to me.

Agreed. When I came across the story I was shocked, but not really all that surprised. They will try to cover their ass, even if it means coming off looking like heartless bastards. Evil or Very Mad
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MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 11:34 am

I don’t understand. Seems to me MGM is making a bad situation worse. I will remember this.
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MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 12:10 pm

spinvault wrote:
I don’t understand. Seems to me MGM is making a bad situation worse. I will remember this.

It's simple to understand, all they care about is the money aspect. They know they stand to lose millions in lawsuits from the victims, so they are trying to guard their pockets. Evil or Very Mad
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MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 1:41 pm

Ainjel wrote:
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So they are basically sueing people who have brought lawsuits against them.

I look forward to seeing this get laughed out of court. 

People don't understand that the justice system doesn't bend to your whims and hurt feelings.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 1:44 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Ainjel wrote:
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So they are basically sueing people who have brought lawsuits against them.

I look forward to seeing this get laughed out of court. 

People don't understand that the justice system doesn't bend to your whims and hurt feelings.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  Actually with the way our justice system has operated in recent years, I really wouldn't bet on it getting laughed out. Evil or Very Mad
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PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 3:18 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Ainjel wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

So they are basically sueing people who have brought lawsuits against them.

I look forward to seeing this get laughed out of court. 

People don't understand that the justice system doesn't bend to your whims and hurt feelings.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  Actually with the way our justice system has operated in recent years, I really wouldn't bet on it getting laughed out. Evil or Very Mad

I'm going to be optimistic on this one and hope that the justice system sees the light. I've seen similar absurd lawsuits get kicked out of court before so I'm hopeful that this one's going to get the boot as well.

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PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 4:30 pm

Ainjel wrote:
they were inevitably injured both because Paddock fired from his window and[b] because they remained in the line of fire at the concert

It is a very insentitive and poor wording to use. I don't think it is going to help them in the lawsuit.

I am sure as hell it won't win them any fans. If this was someone from my corporation that made such a statement, then our PR people would have his/her head for it.

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PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 4:36 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
I'm going to be optimistic on this one and hope that the justice system sees the light. I've seen similar absurd lawsuits get kicked out of court before so I'm hopeful that this one's going to get the boot as well.

I'm no expert on US law. But he shot from a highrise window and seeing as this was an open-air event, I don't think the oranizers could have provided any more security to prevent this.

I mean - do they expect all open-air concerts to be held behind giant bullet-proof walls? Cuckoo

As much as I support increased safety and awareness in public places, there's limits to what can be done. Big open air events will always be vulnerable simply because they are both big and open air.
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PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2018 7:57 pm

Sabratha wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
I'm going to be optimistic on this one and hope that the justice system sees the light. I've seen similar absurd lawsuits get kicked out of court before so I'm hopeful that this one's going to get the boot as well.

I'm no expert on US law. But he shot from a highrise window and seeing as this was an open-air event, I don't think the oranizers could have provided any more security to prevent this.

I mean - do they expect all open-air concerts to be held behind giant bullet-proof walls? Cuckoo

As much as I support increased safety and awareness in public places, there's limits to what can be done. Big open air events will always be vulnerable simply because they are both big and open air.

Oh I know, I just don't think the counter-suit is going to go anywhere. It would've been much smarter to have just let the lawsuits the victims had filled to get knocked down in court rather than file a counter-suit.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2018 10:46 pm

They're just defending their interests, just to play devil's advocate. But yeah it's a really slimy thing to do. Money changes everything, the dynamics of it all. Unfortunately.

"We all gotta die sometime Red." - Sgt Barnes, Platoon.
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PostSubject: Re: MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting...   MGM Sues Victims of Las Vegas Shooting... Icon_minitime

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