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 3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting

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PostSubject: 3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting    3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 6:02 am

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"North Las Vegas police said they were investigating a shooting on Sunday night that took the lives of three people and sent another person to the hospital.

According to Officer Aaron Patty of the North Las Vegas Police Department, officers responded to a shopping center on the southwest corner of West Lake Mead Boulevard and Simmons Street, where a shooting had occurred.

Three people -- two women and a man -- were found "down," Patty said, and later were pronounced deceased. A fourth person, a man, was found injured and was taken into surgery at UMC Trauma. His condition was not known.

Patty said they believe there is at least one shooter, who had not been identified and was still outstanding at the time of the media briefing at 10:30 p.m.

The crime scene is on the border of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police's jurisdiction, and Patty said their officers were assisting in the investigation.

Patty said detectives do not believe the shooting to be random at this time, yet have not established a motive.

The crime scene was very fluid, with dozens of patrol units on scene Sunday night. Detectives and CSI were expected to be on scene for several hours.

The identities of the deceased will be released by the Clark County Coroner's Office after next of kin has been notified.

Anyone with information was encouraged to contact the North Las Vegas Police Department."

I don't think they caught the guy who did this yet...

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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: 3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting    3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 6:14 am

I wonder if the guy who did this is going to carry on killing?

"Life's short but I wanna die."

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3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting  Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting    3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 12:24 pm

Sam Hyde returns to Las Vegas......
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PostSubject: Re: 3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting    3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2018 4:32 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
I wonder if the guy who did this is going to carry on killing?

The police seem to think these were targeted killings rather than a random attack, so if that proves true I don't expect a follow-up shooting.

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PostSubject: Re: 3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting    3 dead in North Las Vegas shooting  Icon_minitime

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