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 Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released

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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2018 1:46 pm

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A judge has ordered the release of much of the statement given by Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz to investigators after the Parkland massacre that killed 17 people.

Broward Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer said in a ruling Thursday that much of the "non-confession" portions of the statement should be released in 10 days, barring any appeal by the defendant.

Media outlets including The Associated Press sought release of the statement. Scherer rejected the defense attorneys' argument that the release of the statement would threaten justice in the case.

Attorneys for the 19-year-old Cruz wanted the entire statement suppressed, contending it would improperly influence jurors in his trial.
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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2018 4:58 pm

In my opinion most of the readily available juror pool has already been "improperly" influenced by the cell videos of Nik released a while back. The release of this info can't do any more damage at this point.

Last edited by ShadowedGoddess on Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:17 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2018 5:15 pm

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FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) – A Broward County judge has ordered that parts of the confession made to police by Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz should be released to the public, however, the “substance” of his confession will be excluded.

“All parties are in agreement that Florida law exempts from public disclosure the substance of a confession of a person arrested until the case is fully resolved in the trial court,” wrote Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer in her decision. “As such, no substance of any confession that Defendant made to police during the instant interrogation is subject to public disclosure at this juncture.”

Cruz’s public defender had asked to keep the entire statement private, contending it would improperly influence jurors in his trial.

Judge Scherer disagreed and in her decision wrote: “Defendant has failed to demonstrate that preventing public disclosure of statement is necessary to prevent a serious and imminent threat to the administration of justice. While it is true that this case has gained vast and widespread media coverage, this fact alone does not demonstrate that closure of the statement is required. The fact that the instant matter may be considered “high-profile,” does not in itself give Defendant the right to close the flow of information to the public. No evidence was shown that public disclosure of the non-confession portions of the subject statement would result in a serious and imminent threat to the administration of justice in this case.”

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Here's a link to the PDF docs of the Judge's ruling.
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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeThu Jul 26, 2018 7:59 pm

I'm glad they're not holding onto everything like JeffCo. We're getting to know a lot and I'm sure we'll get to know more as time goes on.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2018 7:44 am

QuestionMark wrote:
I'm glad they're not holding onto everything like JeffCo. We're getting to know a lot and I'm sure we'll get to know more as time goes on.

Well with the amount of shit already coming to the surface, I'm just wondering how much more could be hidden? Shocked
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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2018 1:27 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
I'm glad they're not holding onto everything like JeffCo. We're getting to know a lot and I'm sure we'll get to know more as time goes on.

Well with the amount of shit already coming to the surface, I'm just wondering how much more could be hidden? Shocked

Honestly there's little in the ways it could get any worse.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeFri Jul 27, 2018 2:13 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
I'm glad they're not holding onto everything like JeffCo. We're getting to know a lot and I'm sure we'll get to know more as time goes on.

Well with the amount of shit already coming to the surface, I'm just wondering how much more could be hidden? Shocked

Honestly there's little in the ways it could get any worse.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  Yeah it seems we have both said that before, and then something else would pop up! Haha
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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Empty
PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitimeMon Aug 06, 2018 4:39 pm

This is the full transcript of Nikolas Cruz's statement:
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PostSubject: Re: Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released   Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released Icon_minitime

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Judge orders much of Parkland school shooting suspect's statement released
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