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 Emma Gonzalez

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PostSubject: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 4:59 pm

I don't know if it's just me, but this girl rubs me the wrong way. She said "you didn't know this kid, we did" her exact quotes. My question is did she ever attempt to get to know him or did she bully him anyways? I think ostracization is the same thing as bullying, because people can go crazy without human interaction. Her and David Hogg can just shut up.
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Emma Gonzalez Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 5:20 pm

There are actually a few threads discussing this. I'm not sure Emma actively bullied Cruz, but I think she did come off as somewhat uncaring during that speech, which made others assume she had.

Either way Emma and David both irritate me because they believe since they survived the Parkland shooting that should grant them special authority to decide if the rest of the population should own weapons or not.
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 5:34 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
There are actually a few threads discussing this. I'm not sure Emma actively bullied Cruz, but I think she did come off as somewhat uncaring during that speech, which made others assume she had.

 Either way Emma and David both irritate me because they believe since they survived the Parkland shooting that should grant them special authority to decide if the rest of the population should own weapons or not.
Exactly, that's why I think she more likely than not bullied him. Now if Cruz really did torture animals, I can't stand by that. I can see why people would be nervous to be around him. I think the kid had issues and noone could help him.
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Emma Gonzalez Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 5:42 pm

bradt93 wrote:
I think the kid had issues and noone could help him.

No doubt Cruz had several issues. The fact he somehow was able to fly under the radar is mind boggling.
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 9:02 pm

If Cruz was bullied though which is highly speculative at this point, then why wouldn't he just kill his bullies?

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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 9:27 pm

bradt93 wrote:
If Cruz was bullied though which is highly speculative at this point, then why wouldn't he just kill his bullies?

That is a question that is asked about Columbine too. I would imagine once you get to the point where you plan and execute a school shooting you are not thinking about finding every bully, you want to destroy everything.
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Emma Gonzalez Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 9:43 pm

I saw a comment somewhere where somebody said they just want to make it that the mental kids they bully don’t have guns.
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 11:15 pm

r4911 wrote:
I saw a comment somewhere where somebody said they just want to make it that the mental kids they bully don’t have guns.
IF they think that, then they don't want the bullying issue to go away. They want to keep doing it, just so they can. They are disgusting.

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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeMon Jul 30, 2018 11:17 pm

Even Evan Todd thinks guns shouldn't be confiscated and some of you know how much I hate that fat SOB.

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Emma Gonzalez Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 6:57 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
That is a question that is asked about Columbine too. I would imagine once you get to the point where you plan and execute a school shooting you are not thinking about finding every bully, you want to destroy everything.

Exactly. After so long the hate spreads to include pretty much everything and everyone.
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 2:50 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
If Cruz was bullied though which is highly speculative at this point, then why wouldn't he just kill his bullies?

That is a question that is asked about Columbine too. I would imagine once you get to the point where you plan and execute a school shooting you are not thinking about finding every bully, you want to destroy everything.

The thing is that the bullying is only a contributing factor to the shooter's rage towards society and people in general. There are other factors at play most of the time.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2020 3:52 pm

Its not true that she bullied him. This is a hoax story

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All it takes is a bit of fact checking. There are certain accounts which says that that Cruz was bullied, from some of the news outlets I could find. But if any given chance that he was bullied, Gonzalez had nothing to do with it. IDK that much about Parkland, but a lot of this seems to come from conspiracy theorists that will resort to any kind of bullying tactics and false information out there. I dont get the glorification of the US president and the overall 'I believe everything as long as it confirms my allready established beliefs'.

These kids have experienced their own classmates being butchered. They have every right to be upset, and they have every right to speak up. Its a really low level to bully someone that has gone through something like this and are doing nothing but trying to push for social change.

Yes, there are many different factors at play. Its not like we shouldnt do anything about environmental factors, either. But its a fact that the US leads the world when it comes to school shootings and the experts Ive looked at have argued that access to firearms are very much part of the issue when it comes to mass shootings. Its very hard imo to argue against the notion that all of these things are related to each other.
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2020 4:06 pm

bradt93 wrote:
Even Evan Todd thinks guns shouldn't be confiscated and some of you know how much I hate that fat SOB.

Because hes kidding himself. Ive looked at some of hes arguments and it's virtually the same as you find with the gun lobby. I dont get how you can possibly argue that teachers should be armed. Now; I dont dispute that the police should be armed in situations like these- of course, they should. And they should respond quickly. Something that they failed to do. But to argue that teachers should be armed and stuff like that takes away the point that even teachers can commit a school shooting. I dont get that logic
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeThu Feb 06, 2020 9:53 pm

Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Even Evan Todd thinks guns shouldn't be confiscated and some of you know how much I hate that fat SOB.

Because hes kidding himself. Ive looked at some of hes arguments and it's virtually the same as you find with the gun lobby. I dont get how you can possibly argue that teachers should be armed. Now; I dont dispute that the police should be armed in situations like these- of course, they should. And they should respond quickly. Something that they failed to do. But to argue that teachers should be armed and stuff like that takes away the point that even teachers can commit a school shooting. I dont get that logic
Gonzalez said and I quote "some of you say we shouldn't of ostracized him, but you didn't know this kid, we did" I think ostracization could be the same thing as bullying. What was so bad about Cruz though that other students were "afraid" of him?

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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitimeFri Feb 07, 2020 12:40 pm

bradt93 wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
Even Evan Todd thinks guns shouldn't be confiscated and some of you know how much I hate that fat SOB.

Because hes kidding himself. Ive looked at some of hes arguments and it's virtually the same as you find with the gun lobby. I dont get how you can possibly argue that teachers should be armed. Now; I dont dispute that the police should be armed in situations like these- of course, they should. And they should respond quickly. Something that they failed to do. But to argue that teachers should be armed and stuff like that takes away the point that even teachers can commit a school shooting. I dont get that logic
Gonzalez said and I quote "some of you say we shouldn't of ostracized him, but you didn't know this kid, we did" I think ostracization could be the same thing as bullying. What was so bad about Cruz though that other students were "afraid" of him?

Actuually its 'those who said we shouldnt ostrasize him'
. You have to look at the full context of that quote. Its pretty obvious why people were afraid of Cruz. He was cruel to animals, he got into fights and harassed other students. They had to call in police 17 times before the massacre took place. It was just blatantly obvious that he was troubled towards other students.

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There are so many disturbing accounts about Cruz that he imo makes Eric Harris look like a saint. But lets just say the alternative right likes to make ridicilous conspiracy theories and false information about people. Its beyond me how adults can bully and harass other adults, but it's even so far beyond me as possible how anyone can bully and harass survivors of a mass shooting, like the alt right seems to be doing.
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PostSubject: Re: Emma Gonzalez   Emma Gonzalez Icon_minitime

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