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 Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh)

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Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Empty
PostSubject: Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh)   Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 23, 2019 7:07 pm

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Apologies if someone's already posted. Thought this was an interesting find and decided to upload it. Clearly there's strong genetics in the Yassenoff/Haugh family tree, given the striking resemblance!
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Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh)   Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2019 4:11 pm

Wow Dylan looks so much like her. Definitely some strong genes!
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Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh)   Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 26, 2019 11:02 pm

There are definitely some traits from that side of the family that really stuck with Dylan. They all have what I would call a long face.
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Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh)   Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh) Icon_minitime

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Photograph of Sue Klebold's mother, Charlotte Emma Yassenoff (Haugh)
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