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 Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?

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Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Empty
PostSubject: Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?    Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 5:45 am

Don't ask me why, I'm just curious. Smile I found it strange that even in the case of Sandy Hooks, where there are no video footages of the shooting released, there's a detailed description of the perpetrator's clothes. As for lsla Vista, where such a huge amount of information about the perpetrator is available, there's still no photo of the shooter's corpse or video records of him on his last day during the shooting.
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Tommy QTR

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Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?    Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 9:09 am

What he wore in his Retribution Video:

I'm guessing he wore the same top during his shooting.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?    Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 11:41 pm

I'm sure whatever he was wearing was beautiful.  I mean just look at him.
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Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?    Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2021 2:46 pm

From what I can gather is that he was wearing a white shirt along with beige pants and black shoes, you can see his black shoes poking out of the sheet covering his dead body.
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Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?    Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Icon_minitimeThu Apr 08, 2021 3:35 pm

Bailey Maples: "The vehicle was occupied by one male in his 20’s with tan skin, brown hair, dark eyes, bushy eyebrows and wearing a short sleeve dark colored shirt."

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Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?    Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?  Icon_minitime

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Any informations of Elliot Rodger's clothing on his Day of Retribution?
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