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 Anybody know of good sources of events?

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Anybody know of good sources of events? Empty
PostSubject: Anybody know of good sources of events?   Anybody know of good sources of events? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 07, 2018 10:56 pm

Are there any documents that go very in-depth and in detail on the order of events at Columbine, as well as the crime scene investigation.
Things like bullet casings, spent magazines, official number of shots fired and when, etc.

Any documents in the 11k that include the final order of events that you see on the CNN diagrams (except with more detail)?

This topic has been very helpful [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] but
there is still info that I'm trying to piece together i.e. why are there so many shot shells when not that many people were shot, why aren't there many casings near the library windows, did they
not shoot at the cops for a long time?

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Anybody know of good sources of events? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody know of good sources of events?   Anybody know of good sources of events? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2018 6:21 pm

They shot at lockers, walls, windows, ceilings etc which is why there were many more shells than there were people killed.
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Anybody know of good sources of events? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody know of good sources of events?   Anybody know of good sources of events? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 7:47 pm

Well the way i formed my complete knowledge of columbine was through watching numerous 1999 news reports, interviews and footage, documentaries like the Final Report and the Columbine Episode of Zero Hour that provides a very cinematic walkthrough of the Massacre, other things like The Diaries, the home videos and info from people who knew Eric and dyl are around. Aside from that the more detailed and lesser know things about Columbine as well as Dylan and Eric are floating about in parts of the internet. If you want to gather a full perspective of Columbine you should just go through all the documentaries, news reports, evidence etc. and piece the knowledge from them together to form a full picture. I'd say most users here are complete in their knowledge of This event, its where most of us started off and is what this site is built around to discuss, if anything aside from the direct evidence from 1999 this forum is probably the best source of events through all the Detailed research and contribution people have put in here about the Massacre and Eric and Dylan, im sure theirs alot of answers to some of your questions somewhere in the depths of the documents and evidence sub forum.

To answer your question like [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Eric and Dylan spent alot of time just shooting at random things for fun like Windows, lockers, bookshelfs, computers .etc.
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Anybody know of good sources of events? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody know of good sources of events?   Anybody know of good sources of events? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2018 1:01 pm

Plus, the boys were awful shots. E&D fired 188 times and "only" 12 students died.

And IIRC they took a few potshots at the cops and shot at ambulances, but their hearts weren't really in it. They were possibly worried they'd catch a non-fatal bullet to the head, survive and be taken alive by the cops. Being taken alive was absolutely not an option.
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Anybody know of good sources of events? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody know of good sources of events?   Anybody know of good sources of events? Icon_minitime

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Anybody know of good sources of events?
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