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 in the light of the current events...

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in the light of the current events... Empty
PostSubject: in the light of the current events...   in the light of the current events... Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 5:22 pm

what do you think about the terror in Brussels?

why are humans such assholes and kill innocent people? Crying or Very sad
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in the light of the current events... Empty
PostSubject: Re: in the light of the current events...   in the light of the current events... Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 8:26 pm

Well, they let the refugees in, so...

Still sucks that it happened, but really what was everyone expecting? You can't open the flood gates to a war torn country invovled in a civil war with a group of Islamic extremists who are Hell bent on the establishment of a global Islamic state and want to destroy the West in the most violent ways possible and have everything just go peachy.

I'm expecting more terrorist attacks actually because according to sources, there are over 5000 ISIS militants now stationed in Brussels and there are more coming. And some will soon be coming over here to America.

This Liberal feel good bullshit has finally begun to put everyones lives at danger.

Why do you think Trump is gaining so much support? Because people are finally starting to get tired of all of this BS.

That's my two cents.
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in the light of the current events... Empty
PostSubject: Re: in the light of the current events...   in the light of the current events... Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2016 10:52 pm

if you are against refugees in Germany, you would called a nazi.
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in the light of the current events... Empty
PostSubject: Re: in the light of the current events...   in the light of the current events... Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 7:50 am

em81 wrote:
if you are against refugees in Germany, you would called a nazi.
And I would, quite appropriately, call them idiots and move on, because that is what they are.

It's not racist to want to limit the amounts of Muslims coming from parts of the countries that are known to be afflicted with militant Islamic extremists, it's just common sense...

Also Muslims aren't a race.
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Posts : 374
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Age : 43
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in the light of the current events... Empty
PostSubject: Re: in the light of the current events...   in the light of the current events... Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2016 11:52 pm

it doesn´t matter if they are Muslims or Christians (for me). Not every refugee has to flee because of war. there are people who come to us because of poverty.

another thing that annoys me is that because of the refugee problem we have to pay higher health insurance. and i am sure that we will get a higher tax because of all this costs.

another question: there are many islamic states. why don´t they help the refugees? for example the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? This is a very rich state and they have a place where the refugees can stay
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PostSubject: Re: in the light of the current events...   in the light of the current events... Icon_minitime

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