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 Nikolas Cruz

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PostSubject: Nikolas Cruz   Nikolas Cruz Icon_minitimeTue Aug 07, 2018 10:53 pm

In Nikolas Cruz’ confession, was he lying about hearing a voice? His brother Zach mentioned to him at the end that he had told him about a demon before, so he wasnt making it up on the spot. But Cruz being schitzophrenic contradicts the psychopathic behavior he displayed throughout his life, and the videos he made where he acts like the school shooting is his own idea and doesnt mention any voice. Also in the confession, he seems reluctant to tell the detective about where his phone is. Is it possible he didnt want the police to find his videos and realize that he wasnt schitzophrenic? Was he just trying to make them think that he was crazy to get a lighter sentence? Then again his brother mentioned at the end that Nik had told him about a demon. Its all very confusing. Thoughts?
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz   Nikolas Cruz Icon_minitimeTue Aug 07, 2018 11:50 pm

DanielGardner wrote:
In Nikolas Cruz’ confession, was he lying about hearing a voice? His brother Zach mentioned to him at the end that he had told him about a demon before, so he wasnt making it up on the spot. But Cruz being schitzophrenic contradicts the psychopathic behavior he displayed throughout his life, and the videos he made where he acts like the school shooting is his own idea and doesnt mention any voice. Also in the confession, he seems reluctant to tell the detective about where his phone is. Is it possible he didnt want the police to find his videos and realize that he wasnt schitzophrenic? Was he just trying to make them think that he was crazy to get a lighter sentence? Then again his brother mentioned at the end that Nik had told him about a demon. Its all very confusing. Thoughts?

I'm inclined to believe that Cruz was telling the truth that there was a voice in his head, though I think he might've been lying about the relationship he had to the voice. He said he didn't like to hear it and wanted it to stop yet followed its advice anyway, which makes me suspicious.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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Nikolas Cruz Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz   Nikolas Cruz Icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2018 4:29 am

QuestionMark wrote:
DanielGardner wrote:
In Nikolas Cruz’ confession, was he lying about hearing a voice? His brother Zach mentioned to him at the end that he had told him about a demon before, so he wasnt making it up on the spot. But Cruz being schitzophrenic contradicts the psychopathic behavior he displayed throughout his life, and the videos he made where he acts like the school shooting is his own idea and doesnt mention any voice. Also in the confession, he seems reluctant to tell the detective about where his phone is. Is it possible he didnt want the police to find his videos and realize that he wasnt schitzophrenic? Was he just trying to make them think that he was crazy to get a lighter sentence? Then again his brother mentioned at the end that Nik had told him about a demon. Its all very confusing. Thoughts?

I'm inclined to believe that Cruz was telling the truth that there was a voice in his head, though I think he might've been lying about the relationship he had to the voice. He said he didn't like to hear it and wanted it to stop yet followed its advice anyway, which makes me suspicious.

He also said that he didn't really want it to stop because he would feel too lonely. The relationship he has with the voice does not surprise me, he doesn't like it because it tells him to do bad things, including to hurt himself but to him it may be better to be in bad company than to be alone.

What I wonder is if he thinks the voice is caused by his mental health issues (he said several time things like "What is wrong with me?") or does he think it is a real or mystical entity?
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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz   Nikolas Cruz Icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2021 4:11 pm

Nikolas Cruz is set to appear in court tomorrow for his assault case in which he is charged with attacking a jail guard. Court is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. EST.

The hearing will be livestreamed on: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz   Nikolas Cruz Icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2021 4:40 pm

DanielGardner wrote:
In Nikolas Cruz’ confession, was he lying about hearing a voice?

I can't be sure, given what little I know.

On one hand, psychotic symptoms are not exactly rare among spree killers and Cruz does not seem to be the most stable individual out there.

Having said that, he has a history of behavioral problems, violence, threatening people and lying. In short: He seems to be a textbook Antisocial Pd case. We should also be aware that "OMG I am hearing voices!" is probably the most common insanity plea attempt and voices are a well known psychotic symptom among the general public.

So given that and the fact that he is facing charges... I am tilted towards assuming he is just trying to plea insanity in order to avoid the consequences. But it is not a forgone conclusion.

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PostSubject: Re: Nikolas Cruz   Nikolas Cruz Icon_minitime

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