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 Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio

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Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio Empty
PostSubject: Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio   Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 7:55 am

Now that some of the confession footage has been released, what do you all think about how Detective Curico handled the interrogation? scratch

It's clear the detective didn't believe much of anything Cruz said regarding the "Demon voice". From the very start he seemed to convey with his tone, and just the things he said that Cruz was pretty much faking that he couldn't remember things, lying about the "voice" telling him to do bad things, pretending like he was distressed, etc. He actually said as much during the vid.

Curico came off as a hard ass. But that is his job to try to weed through the bullshit to get the truth. In my opinion he tried several times to get Cruz to slip up, or admit certain things. Again this is part of his job.

Do any of you think the way he went about the questioning is helpful to Cruz's case, as in he was tormenting a mentally challenged person, OR could the way the questioning went accompanied by Nik's answers possibly hurt the defense at trial?
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PostSubject: Re: Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio   Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 8:03 am

I haven't seen the video yet but I think it is hard to tell given that so many information were redacted, and if they were not released it is probably that they were important.

What I find weird is that the confession was made right after the shooting, so why do we know about the voice only now? Don't you think that if he really heard voices psychologist would have tell by now? Or do you think they know if it is true or not but it has not been released yet? The issue with the release of documents is that we always learn things after it was discovered.
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PostSubject: Re: Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio   Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 8:28 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Do any of you think the way he went about the questioning is helpful to Cruz's case, as in he was tormenting a mentally challenged person, OR could the way the questioning went accompanied by Nik's answers possibly hurt the defense at trial?

I'm not sure it's going to impact the case very much since at the end of the day Cruz killed almost twenty people, and that's what people are going to remember most.

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PostSubject: Re: Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio   Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 9:34 am

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Do any of you think the way he went about the questioning is helpful to Cruz's case, as in he was tormenting a mentally challenged person, OR could the way the questioning went accompanied by Nik's answers possibly hurt the defense at trial?

I'm not sure it's going to impact the case very much since at the end of the day Cruz killed almost twenty people, and that's what people are going to remember most.

True. Although I was thinking mainly about the death penalty verses life in prison issue. Whether or not anything from the footage would make people lean one way or the other based on the questions asked and Nik's responses.
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PostSubject: Re: Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio   Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 7:27 pm

Well, I hope he doesn't get the death penalty, because from one of the videos, you could tell he was a broken kid who needed serious help and they let it slip through the cracks.

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PostSubject: Re: Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio   Crus'z confession & Detective John Curcio Icon_minitime

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