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 11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate.

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11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Empty
PostSubject: 11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate.   11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2013 1:46 am


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11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate.   11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 13, 2013 6:44 am

That is incredibly, incredibly disturbing. But alas, pretty much a paradigm of American society.
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11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate.   11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2013 10:01 pm

The more I read about what goes on in society, the more depressing it gets.

But honestly, what good is it going to do to put this boy in juvie for God knows how long, and his co-conspirator in for 3-5 years? (And by the way, if I read that correctly, the 10-year-old was the one who had the knife and gun actually on him. So why is the 11-year-old in more trouble? Hmm?) They need help. Normal 11-year-olds do not plan to murder classmates for being "annoying". How can he not be mentally ill?
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11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate.   11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate. Icon_minitime

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11 year old boy brings knife and gun to school to kill classmate.
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