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Columbine High School Massacre Discussion Forum
A place to discuss the Columbine High School Massacre along with other school shootings and crimes. Anyone interested in researching, learning, discussing and debating with us, please come join our community!
Subject: List Of mass Shooters known to David Sonboly Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:52 pm
Andrew Golden Mitchell Johnson Eric Harris Dylan Klebold Jeff Weise Michael Carneal Evan Ramsey Kip Kinkel Andrew Wurst Seung Hui Cho Adam Lanza Robert steinhäuser (most likely) Sebastian Bosse (most likely) Tim Kretschmer Anders Behring Breivik
If you guys know anymore post them
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Subject: Re: List Of mass Shooters known to David Sonboly Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:27 am
Subject: Re: List Of mass Shooters known to David Sonboly Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:31 am
He is confirmed to have known about Steinhauser and Bosse. He had a pic of Steinhauser on his computer and he made a fictional chat with Bosse called "Bastian Chat"
Posts : 220 Contribution Points : 12585 Forum Reputation : 52 Join date : 2023-10-21 Age : 114 Location : Spain:Alcobendas-SSRR
Subject: Another One Sat Dec 16, 2023 5:06 pm
William Atchison, the 2017 Aztec Shooter. He contacted him via Steam. 12.16.2023
"I am not obliged to give further explanation of my actions. I have known but only one person who has value as a human being and I thought I was in love with her. I feel bad that she rejected me and I hope that, with what I will do on Friday, she will change her opinion of me.” - Dimitris Patmanidis, 2009
Last edited by ForcedMeme on Sat Dec 16, 2023 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Signature)
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Subject: Re: List Of mass Shooters known to David Sonboly