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 Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.

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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 9:33 am

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz is headed back to a Florida courtroom for a status hearing on his death penalty case.

Officials say a number of issues could come up in Wednesday's hearing, including the release of evidence and witness interviews by prosecutors to Cruz's defense lawyers.

The presiding judge also has yet to rule on a motion by the Broward County School Board to hold the South Florida Sun Sentinel in contempt for publishing stories based on an analysis of Cruz's school records that was poorly redacted.

Nineteen-year-old Cruz is charged with killing 17 people and wounding 17 others in the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. His lawyers say he would plead guilty in exchange for life in prison, but prosecutors reject that.

I'm wondering if Nik's biological mom's dark, criminal past will be brought up at any time?  scratch

He defense team are still desperately trying to get the prosecutors to agree to Cruz serving life. Will be waiting to see what comes out of this hearing.

Last edited by ShadowedGoddess on Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 10:27 am

So does this mean hes getting the death penalty??

Look hard enough and you will always find a light ~ Rachel Joy Scott
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 12:34 pm

Kerea2244 wrote:
So does this mean hes getting the death penalty??

So far all Cruz's attorneys attempts of getting the prosecutors to take the death penalty off the table have failed. If they continue to refuse his plea attempts then yes, he will likely get the death penalty.
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 12:41 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz is headed back to a Florida courtroom for a status hearing on his death penalty case.

Officials say a number of issues could come up in Wednesday's hearing, including the release of evidence and witness interviews by prosecutors to Cruz's defense lawyers.

The presiding judge also has yet to rule on a motion by the Broward County School Board to hold the South Florida Sun Sentinel in contempt for publishing stories based on an analysis of Cruz's school records that was poorly redacted.

Nineteen-year-old Cruz is charged with killing 17 people and wounding 17 others in the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. His lawyers say he would plead guilty in exchange for life in prison, but prosecutors reject that.

I'm wondering if Nik's biological mom's dark, criminal past will be brought up at any time?  scratch

He defense team are still desperately trying to get the prosecutors to agree to Cruz serving life. Will be waiting to see what comes out of this hearing.

His bio-mom's criminal past?! I must have missed this..... affraid
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 12:45 pm

Oldmare wrote:
His bio-mom's criminal past?! I must have missed this..... affraid

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Here's the link to the thread I made on it and the news articles. Smile
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 3:06 pm

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Tiny run down on the hearing-  Mostly a lot of bickering back and forth between the defense and the prosecution about how Nik's private records keep getting released.

The state said that Cruz's team had done very little to actually do anything in the case other then file motions to delay the court proceedings, and pretty much dragging their feet. 

Lots of arguing about classifying/reclassifying certain witnesses, arguing on the importance of certain witnesses, who gets to talk to these witnesses, and when based on their importance to the case.

Just boring shit really. The judge denied some of the defense requests for reclassifying certain people straight out, but did grant the defense motion for one to be reclassified from a C to an A type witness.

Sorry I was really zoning out watching this due to the back and forth between the lawyers. The nit-picking on both sides has reached a slightly petty level now.

But Judge Scherer set another court date of November 15, and stated that the defense had to have deposed at least 25 witnesses by then and have another 25 set to be deposed or already deposed by the first of the year.

I want to add that the Judge seems truly OVER the case already and in my opinion appears to be very fed up with both the defense and the prosecution teams. Not a good thing to annoy the judge and then hope to get your motions or requests granted. LOL!  If Judge Scherer starts getting petty then this trial could last a while. Haha

Also wanted to add that Cruz kept his head up, and seemed somewhat interested in what was going on, and spoke several times with his lawyers. This is the most "aware" I have seen Nik Cruz behave during his hearings.

Last edited by ShadowedGoddess on Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:26 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 3:15 pm

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FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami/AP) — Lawyers for Parkland school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz want to interview potentially hundreds of witnesses that prosecutors have placed off limits.

The Cruz lawyers asked a judge Wednesday to allow additional interviews of some of more than 450 witnesses rather than relying on written statements or other documents.

Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer agreed to allow only one to be interviewed so far, saying the effort was premature.

Defense attorneys already have about 170 civilian and 90 law enforcement top-level witnesses to interview. That process has yet to start.

Lawyers for Cruz also asked Scherer to hold the State Attorney’s Office in contempt for releasing Cruz’s mental health records to the public safety commission.

The judge has yet to rule on this.
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 3:23 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Oldmare wrote:
His bio-mom's criminal past?! I must have missed this..... affraid

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Here's the link to the thread I made on it and the news articles. Smile

Thanks. Wow I had no idea...poor kid, although he was given a chance with a good adoptive family. Does anyone know if he went threw withdrawal as a baby?

I think no matter what the defense digs up he will still get the death penalty. Too many dead with too much publicity. I imagine he will sit on death row for years and years first though.

What a sad state of affairs.
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 3:27 pm

Oldmare wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Oldmare wrote:
His bio-mom's criminal past?! I must have missed this..... affraid

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Here's the link to the thread I made on it and the news articles. Smile

Thanks. Wow I had no idea...poor kid, although he was given a chance with a good adoptive family. Does anyone know if he went threw withdrawal as a baby?

I think no matter what the defense digs up he will still get the death penalty. Too many dead with too much publicity. I imagine he will sit on death row for years and years first though.

What a sad state of affairs.

Agreed to all points. This case is just sad all around. There will be no true winners in this, only different grades of loss. No
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 4:18 pm

He shouldn't get the death penalty and you know why? because if he dies, Emma Gonzalez wins. It's obvious she bullied that kid and him being put to death would put a smile on her face.

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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 4:53 pm

bradt93 wrote:
He shouldn't get the death penalty and you know why? because if he dies, Emma Gonzalez wins. It's obvious she bullied that kid and him being put to death would put a smile on her face.

The jury is still out on IF she actually bullied Cruz personally and if she did in what way. Her "You didn't know this kid! We did!" speech did make people think that she possibly had bullied him in the past. Emma did somewhat admit to ostracizing him. But I'm not even sure how well they knew each other.

It is clear that Cruz was bullied to a certain degree, although that would never justify what he did in any shape, way, or form.  Evil or Very Mad
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Tommy QTR

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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 5:18 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
He shouldn't get the death penalty and you know why? because if he dies, Emma Gonzalez wins. It's obvious she bullied that kid and him being put to death would put a smile on her face.

The jury is still out on IF she actually bullied Cruz personally and if she did in what way. Her "You didn't know this kid! We did!" speech did make people think that she possibly had bullied him in the past. Emma did somewhat admit to ostracizing him. But I'm not even sure how well they knew each other.

It is clear that Cruz was bullied to a certain degree, although that would never justify what he did in any shape, way, or form.  Evil or Very Mad
Him being bullied doesn't justify what he did, but it does explain why he did it. His mental illness plays into part as well, it was a combination of both.

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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 6:25 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
He shouldn't get the death penalty and you know why? because if he dies, Emma Gonzalez wins. It's obvious she bullied that kid and him being put to death would put a smile on her face.

The jury is still out on IF she actually bullied Cruz personally and if she did in what way. Her "You didn't know this kid! We did!" speech did make people think that she possibly had bullied him in the past. Emma did somewhat admit to ostracizing him. But I'm not even sure how well they knew each other.

It is clear that Cruz was bullied to a certain degree, although that would never justify what he did in any shape, way, or form.  Evil or Very Mad
Him being bullied doesn't justify what he did, but it does explain why he did it. His mental illness plays into part as well, it was a combination of both.

Plus the death of both his parents, inability to get into the Army Rangers, getting expelled from school, and losing his girlfriend. 

Let's face it, Cruz never had a chance.

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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 6:56 pm

She said she knew Cruz since middle school, why didn't Cruz let anyone know if she did bully him? Because their is no way I would put up with it for that long. Cruz should've shamed her on public media and taped her bullying him if she did.

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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 7:01 pm

bradt93 wrote:
She said she knew Cruz since middle school, why didn't Cruz let anyone know if she did bully him? Because their is no way I would put up with it for that long. Cruz should've shamed her on public media and taped her bullying him if she did.

You cannot expect everyone to have the same or similar reaction you would have.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2018 7:21 pm

bradt93 wrote:
She said she knew Cruz since middle school, why didn't Cruz let anyone know if she did bully him? Because their is no way I would put up with it for that long. Cruz should've shamed her on public media and taped her bullying him if she did.

Honestly the word knew can mean so many things. It could mean that she knew of him in passing, just enough to put a face to his name. OR it could mean that she really knew him, had classes with him etc.  SO it's hard to tell what if any their daily interaction was.

Also I agree with QuestionMark. The way one person would handle a certain situation would be very different compared to someone else.
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2018 8:30 am

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Someone violated Broward Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer’s order to protect the private medical records of Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz, and his lawyers argued in court Wednesday that it wasn’t them.

Cruz, who turned 20 on Monday, is facing the death penalty, charged with committing 17 first-degree murders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14. He’s also charged with 17 counts of attempted murder.

The mass shooting prompted the state to create a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission to investigate what happened and how a repeat can be avoided. That commission, according to court documents, obtained private medical records that Scherer had ordered sealed.

Such a release of information should have required a court order, said defense lawyer Melisa McNeill.

Cruz’s lawyers were in court Wednesday asking Scherer to hold a hearing to determine who released the information — it could only have been the State Attorney’s Office or the Broward Sheriff’s Office, McNeill said. Scherer should then decide whether anyone should be held in contempt for violating the order, she said.

McNeill also suggested that Scherer personally approve future releases of information to the public.

“Any time the State Attorney’s Office or the Broward Sheriff’s Office wants to release records to a third party, those records need to come before the court so that they are authorized for proper release,” McNeill said.

Assistant State Attorney Steven Klinger said the move to hold anyone in contempt has no legal basis. Scherer did not rule on the issue, promising to “take it under advisement” for a later decision.

Scherer did not address a lingering issue over whether the South Florida Sun Sentinel and two of its reporters should be held in contempt for publishing the complete details of a report that was made available by the Broward school district over the summer.

The report was based on Cruz’s record as a public school student, and it disclosed, among other things, that school officials didn’t properly advise Cruz of his legal options when he was faced with removal from Stoneman Douglas his junior year, leading him to give up special education services.

By court order, the district was supposed to black out nearly two-thirds of the report because it disclosed information that Cruz was entitled to keep private under federal and state law. But the method used to post the report on the district’s website made it possible for anyone to read the blacked-out portions by copying and pasting them into another file.

Prosecutors and defense lawyers in the Cruz case also clashed Wednesday over how certain witnesses have been classified, which has a direct effect on whether they can be interviewed by lawyers, or deposed, as the trial approaches.

Defense lawyer David Frankel accused prosecutors of understating the importance of eight law enforcement witnesses by placing them on a low-priority “C-list” along with 457 other witnesses who are not likely to ever testify in court.

There are 179 witnesses on the so-called “A-list,” consisting of detectives, surviving victims and others with firsthand knowledge of what happened when Cruz attacked the campus. No figure was given for a “B-list,” a list that usually consists of crime-scene technicians, analysts and other experts likely to testify.

Frankel told Scherer on Wednesday he wanted eight witnesses moved off the C-list so that he could interview them about what they saw.

“These are witnesses who went into the building, were at the scene,” said Frankel.

The issue is not whether Cruz is guilty – the defense has openly conceded that. Their strategy appears to be aimed at protecting his constitutional rights as a defendant and avoiding execution, either by convincing the state to accept a guilty plea or, eventually, convincing at least one juror to spare Cruz’s life.

In a death penalty case, any mistake by the judge, prosecutors or the defendant’s lawyers can result in an overturned verdict that starts the process over from the beginning.

“This is a death penalty case, with the highest degree of diligence that needs to be done,” Frankel said.

Prosecutors agreed to reclassify one of the eight witnesses, and Scherer agreed to reclassify another.

The other six remain on the C-list, but the judge left the door open for defense lawyers to try to depose them at a later date if new information comes to light.

Scherer ordered both sides to start taking depositions — witness interviews — as soon as possible. The judge said she wanted 25 depositions conducted or at least scheduled by Nov. 15, with another 25 completed by the end of the year.

From all the statements and arguments being made by Cruz's lawyers, especially Melissa McNeill, it is abundantly clear that Nik's defense team thinks info is being leaked to the Parkland Safety Commission. The Commission is getting info/records from someone either in the State Attorney’s Office OR the Broward Sheriff’s Office, since they do keep coming up with sealed records.

I mean they are actively investigating the shooting, which is why the school commission was formed in the first place. So I think they should be allowed to see whatever is needed. I honestly believe the person leaking this info thinks they are helping, but in reality leaking these records against the judge's order is just creating unneeded delays and drama.  Evil or Very Mad
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2018 1:24 pm

Quote :
The report was based on Cruz’s record as a public school student, and it disclosed, among other things, that school officials didn’t properly advise Cruz of his legal options when he was faced with removal from Stoneman Douglas his junior year, leading him to give up special education services.

I didn't know that he was taking special education courses, etc.
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2018 3:21 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
Quote :
The report was based on Cruz’s record as a public school student, and it disclosed, among other things, that school officials didn’t properly advise Cruz of his legal options when he was faced with removal from Stoneman Douglas his junior year, leading him to give up special education services.

I didn't know that he was taking special education courses, etc.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]   Cruz was enrolled into a type of alternative school called Cross Creek. Which was mainly for kids with significant social/emotional or behavioral issues.

If you go over his records he was actually making progress in that school. Then when he transitioned over to Stoneman Douglas everything snowballed. He clearly didn't adjust well to the new school environment. Evil or Very Mad
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2018 11:54 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I honestly believe the person leaking this info thinks they are helping, but in reality leaking these records against the judge's order is just creating unneeded delays and drama.  Evil or Very Mad

Meh, this trial was gonna be a clusterfuck no matter what.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 29, 2018 10:46 am

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I honestly believe the person leaking this info thinks they are helping, but in reality leaking these records against the judge's order is just creating unneeded delays and drama.  Evil or Very Mad

Meh, this trial was gonna be a clusterfuck no matter what.

Agreed. But it's never a good thing when your lawyers are arguing back and forth with the prosecution like five year old's either. Rolling Eyes Haha
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 29, 2018 11:40 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I honestly believe the person leaking this info thinks they are helping, but in reality leaking these records against the judge's order is just creating unneeded delays and drama.  Evil or Very Mad

Meh, this trial was gonna be a clusterfuck no matter what.

Agreed. But it's never a good thing when your lawyers are arguing back and forth with the prosecution like five year old's either. Rolling Eyes Haha

I'll bet ten bucks that a few years down the line the whole case is going to make for a great courtroom drama series, like that one show about the OJ trial.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeSat Sep 29, 2018 1:54 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:
I honestly believe the person leaking this info thinks they are helping, but in reality leaking these records against the judge's order is just creating unneeded delays and drama.  Evil or Very Mad

Meh, this trial was gonna be a clusterfuck no matter what.

Agreed. But it's never a good thing when your lawyers are arguing back and forth with the prosecution like five year old's either. Rolling Eyes Haha

I'll bet ten bucks that a few years down the line the whole case is going to make for a great courtroom drama series, like that one show about the OJ trial.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Well if it does come down to that then I hope they will have at least gotten all the kinks, misinformation, and cover ups, etc. figured out. Rolling Eyes
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitimeSun Sep 30, 2018 12:38 pm

You can literally feel how aggravated Judge Scherer is with everything. Haha  As I said before both sides are making a mistake by all this bitching back and forth.
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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.    Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.  Icon_minitime

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Cruz due back in court today. Updated with hearing info.
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