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 Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court)

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Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Empty
PostSubject: Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court)   Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2018 2:21 am

June 8, 2018

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Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court)   Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2018 3:32 am

I wonder why he was smiling, it was probably not a real smile. The medias probably chose this picture to make us think he is an evil and sadistic boy who keeps smiling and laughing at his victims.
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Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court)   Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2018 5:53 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  I actually covered this in an earlier thread. If you watched his hearing, he wasn't just smiling out of the blue. His lawyer had said something to him and kind of patted him on the back. They were both smiling. So Cruz was just responding to whatever the man had said.  

I do agree that the media likes to spin shit. Evil or Very Mad
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Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court)   Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2018 6:06 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  I actually covered this in an earlier thread. If you watched his hearing, he wasn't just smiling out of the blue. His lawyer had said something to him and kind of patted him on the back. They were both smiling. So Cruz was just responding to whatever the man had said.  

I do agree that the media likes to spin shit. Evil or Very Mad

Sorry, I registered about 12 days ago so I missed a lot of threads, I'll go and read what you guys wrote about it because the medias depiction of mass murderers is something that interests me a lot.

It makes me think about Dylann Roof's interview. When he confessed the murders, he laughed, but it was a nervous laugh probably because he felt embarrassed in front of this policemen, especially as he himself admitted that the victims were innocent church goers and because he had to tell what eveybody already knew. The laugh was quiet and short, it was not an evil "Mouahahahaha!!!".

And how did the medias titled their articles?

"In chilling video, Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof laughs, confesses to murders" (USA Today)
"Mass shooter Dylann Roof, with a laugh, confesses,'I did it'" (CNN)

Look at this video by USA Today, they even added sad music, as if 9 people dead was not tragic enough! This is real life tragedy, not a movie and they still try to edit it to make it more moving.

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Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court)   Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court) Icon_minitime

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Newest picture of Nikolas Cruz (shaved head and smiling in court)
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