A lot of E&D's friends left the school shortly before the massacre. Did any of them know with 100% certainty ,that hundreds of boys and girls were going to die? Did Brooks Brown ( after he was warned by Eric ) take Eric seriously and thought : " some heavy shi*s gona go down and i'm getting out of here. " I am not sure about any action taken by BB. Who left the school shortly before it " kicked off ". Robyn Anderson did the opposite ,she arrived at school and when she entered the car park she was stopped by a policeman ( Neil Gardner maybe )and was told to lay low inside her car. Nathan Dykeman left at lunch and saw Eric leave his car carrying a bag to school. Nathan's lunch routine was often the same ,he went home for lunch. I can't believe that anybody did know with 100% certainty exactly what was going to happen. Just say a close friend of E&D's did. This person would be walking away (knowing that dozens of their friends & possibly some of their relations would be killed ) Now that is incredibly callous and evil IMO. Did Chris Brown know everything? His girlfriend was in the cafeteria at the time. Would he have " done nothing " and not warned her and let her get blown up and killed? I don't think he had prior knowledge about the massacre and i do not think he would have kept quiet about it either. The tight circle of E&D's friends had friends and relatives in the school that died. It would bad enough to have known about it and kept quiet. But ,to have left their friends in there to die ,is completely (IMO) flipping EVIL BEYOND WORDS. What do you think? Did anybody know ( for certain ) that the school was going to blow up and potentially kill hundreds of kids on that April morning? If i had known that it was going to happen ,i would not have gone to school that day. Suspicious eh? So what! I would not want to be in a place that is going to blow up and potentially kill hundreds of people. I my point of view ,this is what would be going through my mind that day. " What if i am in there and the bomb completely destroys the building? What if my friends are killed? What if i get injured or killed? The top and the bottom is this : I WOULD NOT WANT TO BE INSIDE A SCHOOL THAT IS GOING TO BE BLOWN UP! Who the heck would be? Not me FOR SURE!! Would you?