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 Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza

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Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Empty
PostSubject: Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza   Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 6:43 am

Link to the post.
The mods of the subreddit claimed that OP proved that it was true.
Another person also commented on it called "NotMyMainCuzReasons" and they also talked about their experiences with Lanza.
What are your thoughts?
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Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza   Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 2:43 pm

Very interesting finding new things about Lanza and his family.
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Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza   Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 2:58 pm

Lol that was a pretty bizarre and amusing read, thank you for posting it. I'm conflicted on whether to believe it or not, but it should hold me over until they eventually release these new Lanza documents.

I have to wonder why it took so long for her to come out with the information, but I guess they have their reasons.

"the students were asked to make a Thanksgiving turkey out of a traced drawing of their hands - on each finger, they were to write things they were thankful for. The neighbor wrote things like "being a loser, hating myself, etc" very dark things for a 4th grader."

"They listened to Japanese techno, with headphones on, and spoke to nobody. They headed straight to our basement to play video games - it was weird."

Makes me wonder how they knew they were listening to Japanese techno if they had headphones on. The fact that he's already been reported to listen to "Japanese techno" years ago, and the writing loser on the hands story was already reported, as well as the FBI hacking story later, which makes me slightly suspicious.

"There was snow on the ground and younger neighbor boy was drawing something in it and muttering to himself "Coo Coo Me Ay Looku" (no idea how that should be spelled, but that's what he was saying on repeat and drawing in the snow - it stuck with me). I decided to greet him - "Hi Adam, good morning!" - no eye contact.

"I'll bomb you," he said, making no eye contact."

"When the bus would drop us all off at our respective houses, he would run all the way up his driveway on the hill with his hands by his sides and then turn around and kind of make a hiss noise down at everyone making claws with his hands."

Sounds almost like a fan fic, but as we know little about Adam it could very well be true, and the person is apparently verified according to OP, so I'll give the poster the benefit of the doubt for now, and because there's nothing else to go on. It's also hard for me to imagine Adam drawing in the snow with his sensitivity, but perhaps he was using a stick and not his finger, but he didn't like to touch many things so I don't know.

Also in the comments there's someone who claims to be from his classes at University.

Last edited by AdamnLanza on Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:00 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Formatting)
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Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza   Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Icon_minitimeWed Jan 08, 2020 6:26 am

"When the bus would drop us all off at our respective houses, he would run all the way up his driveway on the hill with his hands by his sides and then turn around and kind of make a hiss noise down at everyone making claws with his hands."

Fucking furry.

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Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza   Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2022 11:21 pm

Honestly its very believable but also not..the part that made me question the whole truth in it was "They listened to Japanese techno, with headphones on, and spoke to nobody. They headed straight to our basement to play video games - it was weird." I mean how did they know that both adam and ryan were lsitening to techno if they had their headphones on? They couldve very well been listening to it on blast but I highly doubt that adam or ryan would be that close to someone to the point where you could HEAR the muisc , especially if they were in the basement most of the time.

I may not know much about Nancy but most of the artical sections I read about her never mentioned that she would raise her voice to ayone or showed signs of verbal agression.
"They thought he was on the spectrum at first, but that quickly proved to not be the case." I thought he was? and not to mention that most of the informatioin (not the quotes) were already released to the public years before.
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PostSubject: Re: Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza   Reddit post from someone who apparently knew Lanza Icon_minitime

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