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 New Info Recap

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PostSubject: New Info Recap   New Info Recap Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2018 6:56 pm

Cruz Cell phone:
Looked up: Pornography • Banking • Japanese anime • Wikipedia: School Shooting • Wikipedia: Marshal County High School Shooting (KY) • Wikipedia: Red Lake Senior High School (MN) • How the AR-15 Became Mass Shooters’ Weapon of Choice – Rolling Stone article
Search Phrases • hot middle school girl in dress • porn uniform • women's Viagra for sale • school shooters • ar-15 • dollar tree parkland, FL • Virginia tech massacre • columbine • ar-15 close quarter combat • real combat footage • school shooter footage

Cruz Behavior:
Animal Cruelty/Killing: 7

Knife/bullet/firearm seen in Cruz’s possession: 19

Statements of hatred toward a group or person: 8

Statements of desire/or to hurt or kill people: 11

Specific statement to shoot school: 3

  • A witness described hearing Nikolas Cruz screaming at Lynda Cruz while talking with her on the telephone. The witness heard Nikolas Cruz threaten to kill Lynda Cruz and burn the house down. He repeatedly told Lynda Cruz to kill herself but if she won’t he will do it for her and burn the house down with her in it so he can watch her burn.

  • Lynda Cruz told the banker that Nikolas Cruz was both verbally and physically abusive to her. She once noticed bruises on Lynda’s wrist. Lynda Cruz stated that Nikolas had tried to get her purse and they physically fought over it

  • Lynda complained that Nikolas would intentionally leave food out to attract bugs to make her life miserable.
    He would say, “Get off your fat ass and clean it or go kill yourself so that way we all could be happy.”

  • Cruz was abusive toward the other female. She knew Cruz had killed frogs, lizards and squirrels. Cruz reportedly hated frogs because his dog somehow died from a frog.

  • Cruz threatened this witness via Instagram in 2016 after his relationship with the other female ended.
    Cruz told her that he would kill her, rape her, and hurt her family and kill all the people that she cared about.

The Shooting:

  • Gina Montalto was killed by a near contact distance gunshot wound to the chest.

  • Alex Schachter died from a shot to the torso.

  • Female victim in the first floor hall was assessed by a BSO medic. The victim was pronounced deceased and a triage tag was placed on her wrist identifying her as deceased.

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PostSubject: Re: New Info Recap   New Info Recap Icon_minitimeFri Nov 16, 2018 8:20 pm

Kerea2244 wrote:
Cruz Cell phone:
Looked up: Pornography • Banking • Japanese anime • Wikipedia:  School Shooting • Wikipedia:  Marshal County High School Shooting (KY) • Wikipedia:  Red Lake Senior High School (MN) • How the AR-15 Became Mass Shooters’ Weapon of Choice – Rolling Stone article
Search Phrases • hot middle school girl in dress • porn uniform • women's Viagra for sale • school shooters • ar-15 • dollar tree parkland, FL • Virginia tech massacre • columbine  • ar-15 close quarter combat • real combat footage • school shooter footage

Cruz Behavior:
Animal Cruelty/Killing: 7

Knife/bullet/firearm seen in Cruz’s possession: 19

Statements of hatred toward a group or person: 8

Statements of desire/or to hurt or kill people: 11

Specific statement to shoot school: 3

  • A witness described hearing Nikolas Cruz screaming at Lynda Cruz while talking with her on the telephone. The witness heard Nikolas Cruz threaten to kill Lynda Cruz and burn the house down. He repeatedly told Lynda Cruz to kill herself but if she won’t he will do it for her and burn the house down with her in it so he can watch her burn.

  • Lynda Cruz told the banker that Nikolas Cruz was both verbally and physically abusive to her. She once noticed bruises on Lynda’s wrist. Lynda Cruz stated that Nikolas had tried to get her purse and they physically fought over it

  • Lynda complained that Nikolas would intentionally leave food out to attract bugs to make her life miserable.  
    He would say, “Get off your fat ass and clean it or go kill yourself so that way we all could be happy.”

  • Cruz was abusive toward the other female. She knew Cruz had killed frogs, lizards and squirrels. Cruz reportedly hated frogs because his dog somehow died from a frog.  

  • Cruz threatened this witness via Instagram in 2016 after his relationship with the other female ended.
    Cruz told her that he would kill her, rape her, and hurt her family and kill all the people that she cared about.  

The Shooting:

  • Gina Montalto was killed by a near contact distance gunshot wound to the chest.

  • Alex Schachter died from a shot to the torso.

  • Female victim in the first floor hall was assessed by a BSO medic.  The victim was pronounced deceased and a triage tag was placed on her wrist identifying her as deceased.

The female victim in the first floor hallway who was assessed by a medic and was determined to be dead was Gina Montalto (just mentioning it since shes also mentioned in the first point). Also Alex Schachter specifically died from a shot to the abdomen and out the back as well as a shot to the head (this was mentioned in two of the 911 calls that were released also. I posted some highlights and recaps regarding the new info in the thread where I originally posted the document links, I covered the phone content, law enforcement response, and the social media/prior red flags. @SchoolMassacreArchives also added some recaps in that thread as well if your'e looking for info regarding the new releases.
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