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 ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas

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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2018 1:27 pm

Shortly after he fired more than 100 gunshots at Marjory Stoneman Douglas in February, Nikolas Cruz ventured to a McDonald's, where he asked someone for a ride.
The someone he asked wound up being John Wilford, the brother of Maddy Wilford, a high school junior at the time who was shot three times in the massacre in Parkland, Florida.

Pinellas County Sheriff Sgt. John Suess on Thursday announced the revelation at the Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Commission hearing, according to the Sun-Sentinel. He said he believes the encounter between Cruz and Wilford was "pure happenstance."

Maddy Wilford, 17, sitting between her parents, described her recovery after the Florida high school massacre during a news conference in February. (Fox News)
It was just before 2:30 p.m. on Valentine's Day when Cruz opened fire in a building on campus. According to a timeline from the Broward County Sheriff's Office, Cruz went to a Walmart, before walking to a nearby McDonald's just after 3 p.m. Investigators initially said he briefly sat down and left.
Suess on Thursday said Cruz "apparently was pretty pushy" to Wilford at the McDonald's, as he reportedly knew Wilford's mother was coming to pick him up.
The two were said to have "very little" conversation before Wilford left the restaurant, leaving Cruz behind.
Around 3:40 p.m., Cruz was arrested by a Coconut Creek police officer in Coral Springs.

After she was shot, a team of five first responders triaged Maddy and rushed her to a hospital 11 miles away. Doctors then performed three surgeries on the teen within 48 hours.
“Maddy came in, she was pale, nonresponsive and in shock,” Dr. Igor Nichiporenko, Broward Health North Medical director of Trauma Services, said in February. “Immediately she had to get a chest tube placement, because her wounds to her chest were very severe with massive bleeding.”
She's one of more than a dozen students who were shot and survived the attack. Seventeen other students, teachers and coaches died in the massacre.
Cruz, a 20-year-old former Stoneman Douglas student, has been charged in the murders. He has pleaded not guilty, but his attorneys have said he would plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2018 4:02 pm

Bloody hell! Cruz either had some brass neck or was completely unable to comprehend what he had done. Can you imagine if they had given him lift. *shudder*
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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2018 4:25 pm

Cruz: Kills people and injures people
Also Cruz: hey I nearly killed your sister could I get a ride from ya?

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PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2018 7:56 pm

Kerea2244 wrote:
Cruz: Kills people and injures people
Also Cruz: hey I nearly killed your sister could I get a ride from ya?

I wonder if Cruz knew that he had shot Maddy when he was talking to her brother John. It would be pretty strange if he did indeed know but still decided to engage in John in a banal conversation.
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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2018 9:35 pm

UncontinuedProcess wrote:
It would be pretty strange if he did indeed know but still decided to engage in John in a banal conversation.

It seems likely to me that Cruz was psychopathic, so if he did indeed know who he shot maybe he just didn't understand how someone else would feel about it.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeTue Nov 20, 2018 9:49 pm

I betting Cruz didn't know he had shot his sister.

Though im sure John is mad he missed his chance to beat the living hell out of Cruz.
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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2018 12:57 am

I don't think he knew either. I'm not even sure that shooters could be able to list most of their victims, even if they knew them before the shooting.
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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2018 11:40 am

I wonder where he wanted a ride to? Maybe back to the Snead’s so he could get another gun. Who knows.
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PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2018 12:39 pm

Cruz either has balls of steel or shit for brains. Either way, I can't even imagine how that guy sees the world. I'm sure even the majority of mass shooters would think twice about asking for a ride after shooting up a school.
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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2018 1:07 pm

I will probably not the first one to mention this, but for me Cruz, definitely suffered from a some sort of a mental disability, which makes me to doubt his full adequacy. Therefore, I am also not sure if he really understands the suffering and pain he caused to his victims. I can be wrong, so if someone else has other opinion, it would be very informative to read and to analyze as well.

Last edited by roxietheinvestigator on Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2018 3:19 pm

Cruz would have been Ziamber III had he not commited the Shooting and joined CMR instead,
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‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Empty
PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2018 10:15 pm

He definitely didn't know that he had shot the dudes sister since the sister was shot in room 1213 through the door so he couldn't see who he was hitting while he was firing (other than the people he killed in the hallways.
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PostSubject: Re: ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas   ‎‍Nikolas Cruz asked brother of student he'd just shot for a ride after mas Icon_minitime

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