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 List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks

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PostSubject: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 3:03 am

Eric Harris: Heard yelling, mocking victims, hollering, yelled he and Dylan were going to blow up the school, sometimes silent and no expression on his face, heard getting angry, Throwing bombs in the hallways and library, tried shooting the propane tanks in the cafeteria, instructing Dylan where to shoot, jumping on a bookshelf, shooting at cops, shooting at an ambulance

Dylan Klebold: Yelling at students/victims, hollering, laughing, throwing a Molotov cocktail in the cafeteria, shooting at random objects in the hallway/library, screaming about how he will die, shooting at cops, shooting at an ambulance

Seung Hui Cho: Shooting his victims multiple times, reported to have had a "stone faced" expression, said nothing throughout the rampage.

Adam Lanza: Yelling, demanding to be let in a classroom, told a crying student "Well, your here.", yelled at a teacher, constantly reloading even if the magazine wasn't empty

Kimveer Gill: Yelling at cops, shot Anastasia De Souse multiple times, shot at cops

Tim Kretschmer: Yelling, heard screaming "Aren't you all not dead yet?", shooting at cops

Matti Saari: Shot his victims multiple times, setting victims bodies on fire with Molotov cocktails, set a classroom on fire, shot at random objects in hallways and classrooms, fired at police

Randy Stair: Shot at random objects on the shelves, spared the 4th worker in the store, tried shooting propane tanks in the store (possibly to blow up the supermarket?)

Elliot Rodger: Smiling at 2 girls he shot, shot at cops from his BMW, seemed to have stabbed his first 3 victims nearly 100 times

Pekka Eric Auvinen: Screaming, yelling, called out the principle by calling her a "bitch!" tried getting an entire classroom to join his "revolution", heard yelling in the halls "Revolution!" "I'm going to kill you all!" "Your all dead!" Smiled at 2 students he shot at who were sitting on a bench, shot at police, screaming and running at his teacher, shot a student in the head at close range, shot the principle 7 times, shooting random objects in hallways and classrooms

Dimitrios Pagourtzis: Heard singing the Queen song "Another One Bites The Dust", Yelled "Surprise!" after coming back into the room for a second time

William Atchison: Shooting at lockers up and down the hallway, shooting into classrooms, yelled "I know your in there!", seemed to have regretted shooting, as he was reportedly heard saying to himself "Why did I do this?"

Kip Kinkel: Seemed to have hip fired while in the cafeteria, screamed at his tacklers "kill me!" "just shoot me!"
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 6:43 am

Ahmed Ibragimov: Appeared to be drunk at the time, only appeared to shot those whom he recognized as being Russians, while sparing Chechens, whenever he wounded his victims, he would kill them by shooting them again in the head.
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 3:04 pm

TheOne99 wrote:
William Atchison: Shooting at lockers up and down the hallway, shooting into classrooms, yelled "I know your in there!", seemed to have regretted shooting, as he was reportedly heard saying to himself "Why did I do this?"   


"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 4:10 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
TheOne99 wrote:
William Atchison: Shooting at lockers up and down the hallway, shooting into classrooms, yelled "I know your in there!", seemed to have regretted shooting, as he was reportedly heard saying to himself "Why did I do this?"   


I found it from Tumblr, but the page got deleted I think.

Last edited by TheOne99 on Tue Dec 04, 2018 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : william)
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Tommy QTR

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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2018 6:48 pm

Richard Durn: Shot at the Mayoress of Nanterre first before shooting at other councillors, also shouted "kill me!" while being tackled.

Thomas Hamilton: Punched the female teacher he killed in the eye according to the documentary "Dunblane: Our Story".

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2018 5:32 pm

TheOne99 wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
TheOne99 wrote:
William Atchison: Shooting at lockers up and down the hallway, shooting into classrooms, yelled "I know your in there!", seemed to have regretted shooting, as he was reportedly heard saying to himself "Why did I do this?"   


I found it from Tumblr, but the page got deleted I think.

Ah, damn shame. I'm always looking out for new information.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2019 4:11 pm

Tj Lane: Shot victims in the head and was heard shouting "Where is he?" multiple times when chasing after Nick Walzack
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2019 4:15 pm

TheOne99 wrote:

Pekka Eric Auvinen: Screaming, yelling, called out the principle by calling her a "bitch!" tried getting an entire classroom to join his "revolution", heard yelling in the halls "Revolution!" "I'm going to kill you all!" "Your all dead!" Smiled at 2 students he shot at who were sitting on a bench, shot at police, screaming and running at his teacher, shot a student in the head at close range, shot the principle 7 times, shooting random objects in hallways and classrooms


That's the reason Pekka is one of my all time faves. Very Happy
Apparentley, he shot a TV. flower

His manifesto was excellent, and easily beats anything written by politicians, Jeremy Corbyn, Theresa May, i'm talking to you.
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Primate Murder
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2019 12:09 am

Seifeddine Rezgui was laughing throughout his shooting. Also, he failed to detonate a bomb during his last shootout. He even took photos of some of the dead bodies. Although he took photos with his phone, Rezgui would throw his cellphone into the ocean.
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeSat Jun 29, 2019 4:16 am

David Sonboly was heard screaming multiple things to his victims before shooting them, one of them was the convo he had with the guy on the balcony towards the end
apart from this tho he was heard screaming "I wanted to do this the last 7 years" and "Fuck you muslims, you braught the death into this country" , before shooting his first victims he was heard asking them if they are enjoying their meal at the Mcdonalds table. After exiting the Mcdonalds tho and firing on the street at several victims he was seen as sligthly stopping infront of a traffic light as he planned on crossing the street because it wasnt green then but after quickly went over anyway ( probably that happened due to the routine but i still think its funny.)

"If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss." - Theodor Kaczynski
"Never lose hope, be persistent and stubborn and never give up. There are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly, so you should never conclude all hope is lost." Theodor Kaczynski
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2020 9:48 pm

Guest wrote:
Pekka Eric Auvinen: Screaming, yelling, called out the principle by calling her a "bitch!" tried getting an entire classroom to join his "revolution", heard yelling in the halls "Revolution!" "I'm going to kill you all!" "Your all dead!" Smiled at 2 students he shot at who were sitting on a bench, shot at police, screaming and running at his teacher, shot a student in the head at close range, shot the principle 7 times, shooting random objects in hallways and classrooms

I know this is an old post, but does anyone have the source(s) for this?
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Primate Murder
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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2020 12:11 am

Faisal Hussein: Smiled while shooting and even spared someone near the end of the shooting.

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PostSubject: Re: List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks   List Of Shooters behaviors during their attacks Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2020 8:30 pm

Jeff Weise- Smiled as he was shooting and copied Dylan Klebold by asking a student if they believed in God.
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