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 Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?

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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 6:24 pm

I have been watching a very poor version of the CCTV cafeteria footage ( with no time stamp ) and Dylan throws a bomb and turned to face the camera and appears to give a " thumbs up " and smile. Has anyone seen this or are my eyes deceiving me?
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 6:28 pm

I can't remember seeing it. Is it when he throws the molotov cocktail?
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 7:23 pm

rik75 wrote:
I have been watching a very poor version of the CCTV cafeteria footage ( with no time stamp ) and Dylan throws a bomb and turned to face the camera and appears to give a " thumbs up " and smile. Has anyone seen this or are my eyes deceiving me?
The part of the Cafeteria CCTV footage i think you are referring to occurs at around 11:45:39. I do see Dylan turn around and walk back towards the stairs but to me it looks like he may be adjusting something on his shirt with his left hand but it doesn't look like he looks at the camera, in fact i think he is looking slightly to his left. I can't see a thumbs up or a smile either.
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 7:37 pm

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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 8:07 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
rik75 wrote:
I have been watching a very poor version of the CCTV cafeteria footage ( with no time stamp ) and Dylan throws a bomb and turned to face the camera and appears to give a " thumbs up " and smile. Has anyone seen this or are my eyes deceiving me?
The part of the Cafeteria CCTV footage i think you are referring to occurs at around 11:45:39. I do see Dylan turn around and walk back towards the stairs but to me it looks like he may be adjusting something on his shirt with his left hand but it doesn't look like he looks at the camera, in fact i think he is looking slightly to his left. I can't see a thumbs up or a smile either.
Looks like maybe he was adjusting the sling for his gun...

Last edited by gustopoet on Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 8:09 pm

gustopoet wrote:
queenfarooq wrote:
rik75 wrote:
I have been watching a very poor version of the CCTV cafeteria footage ( with no time stamp ) and Dylan throws a bomb and turned to face the camera and appears to give a " thumbs up " and smile. Has anyone seen this or are my eyes deceiving me?
The part of the Cafeteria CCTV footage i think you are referring to occurs at around 11:45:39. I do see Dylan turn around and walk back towards the stairs but to me it looks like he may be adjusting something on his shirt with his left hand but it doesn't look like he looks at the camera, in fact i think he is looking slightly to his left. I can't see a thumbs up or a smile either.
I thought he was adjusting the sling for his gun...
That's certainly possible, he definitely looks like he is adjusting something on the front of his upper body.
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 8:17 pm

Is it just me or when Dylan comes down the stairs following Eric's lead he looks almost grumpy and somewhat angry?
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 8:44 pm

Moseley wrote:
Is it just me or when Dylan comes down the stairs following Eric's lead he looks almost grumpy and somewhat angry?
I think they both look cheesed that the sprinklers put out the propane bomb. I think Eric says something like "Sprinklers put it out." And Dylan is like "Well it's fucked up that's for sure."

He's still holding up the Tec 9 like he wants to kill somebody. Probably a bit miffed that they were running out of targets and time.

Last edited by gustopoet on Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 8:47 pm

Another fascinating thing is that there's a student in the cafeteria whilst H/K are in there, how he has managed to escape being interviewed or questioned?
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 7:57 am

Yeah, who is that kid in the white shirt hiding under the table in the cafeteria while H/K roam about?
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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?   Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile? Icon_minitime

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Did Dylan look at the CCTV cameras and give a "thumbs up" and smile?
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