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 Eric's mental health evaluation forms

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PostSubject: Eric's mental health evaluation forms   Eric's mental health evaluation forms Icon_minitimeSat Nov 16, 2013 9:18 pm

In multiple threads on this forum (and elsewhere) there has been a lot of discussion about the mental states of both Dylan and Eric. Because Dylan was so straight forward about his suicidal thoughts and feelings in his journals, it is never dismissed or contested that he had these feelings. However, while not everyone denies that Eric ultimately proved in the end that he was also suicidal, some believe he simply did it to escape justice, and that he was more homicidal overall.

In March of 1998, on one of Eric's forms, he only addresses his homicidal thoughts, and on the other, his mother says she feels he is suicidal.

I've stated repeatedly that Eric DID admit he was suicidal on these forms. It is not on the first one, which seems to be the one that people most commonly read. It is on a THIRD form (question 50) that he CIRCLES that he "had thoughts about not wanting to live (committing suicide)". He circled the option "D"; "more than twice". On the same form (question 52) , he ALSO says that he has "had help for mental or emotional problems" "more than twice". This indicates that he was in therapy a number of times. That is not something that is typically discussed, and there is probably very little information on ALL of the prior stints he had in therapy, if any.

I just wanted to post this. Every time this comes up, and I am conversing in the thread, I say I will look through the documents and pinpoint the exact page (which is where I first noticed it many years ago), but I usually never have time to do so. I am in the process of doing it right now, and I will post the exact page number when I find it. For now, though, I feel that I must share this here for once. I have these scans saved to my computer, but there is not actual "proof" that they are his if I simply upload them. I know the majority of you have seen all three of these documents multiple times. The fact is that he DID admit that he was suicidal on the document where he had to circle answers. It seems he just couldn't bring himself to check it off or discuss it on the other form.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's mental health evaluation forms   Eric's mental health evaluation forms Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 2:47 am

Important element. But the links you provided just direct to the main page of A Columbine Page, not a specific page. Looking forward to know more about that.

"Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do? My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape."
- American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis (1991)
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's mental health evaluation forms   Eric's mental health evaluation forms Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 3:02 am

Hmmm, I am wondering why they aren't showing up, because when I click the links I made they go right to the pages.

Just in case, here are the links you can copy and paste yourself: (First form filled out by Eric that does not mention suicide) (Form filled out by his mother) (Form where his answers are circled, he admits to suicidal thoughts on number 50.)
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's mental health evaluation forms   Eric's mental health evaluation forms Icon_minitimeSun Nov 17, 2013 3:18 am

Thanks! It works.

Just thinking that the question ''Have you had thoughts about not wanting to live (committing suicide)?'' is badly worded for something that is supposed to serve for psychological evaluation purposes...

First of all, there's a significant difference between ''having thoughts about not wanting to live'' and thinking of committing suicide. A person can hope a car will hit them as they cross the street but never thinking of attempting suicide. Or, on the other hand, someone can think or how he would kill himself and go as far as having a plan, a time, etc.

Second, if one is thinking of committing suicide, was it a fleeting idea, are there thoughts of the specifics, is there a plan? Those are important nuances. That form is not taking those important elements into account.

About the other question, ''have you had help for emotional or mental health problems?'', I think it's extremely unclear what it implies. Eric may have circled ''All the time'', thinking about his parents or some other person he talked to about his problems, not necessarily implying he had seen a shrink before.

Lastly, I think that form is quite a bad idea. It's ok if you go to the dentist and circle yes/no to health questions but not for psychological help. We don't know if Eric circled all those by himself, but I would hope the psychologist would go over these with him to see his reaction, take into account nuances and details, all of which there's none here. I think it's pretty misguided to just have a patient circle those by himself and then just talk over these points as if you were doing a technical tune-up...

"Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do? My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape."
- American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis (1991)
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's mental health evaluation forms   Eric's mental health evaluation forms Icon_minitime

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