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 FOIA requests

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Mr Bubbless
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FOIA requests  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Robert Hawkins    FOIA requests  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 17, 2023 11:31 pm

Has anyone else requested a FOIA request about Robert Hawkins case? I tried and it got denied but idk if I even sent the message to the right place. It was on the  Cityofomahane site
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FOIA requests  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: FOIA requests    FOIA requests  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 03, 2024 7:38 pm

I don't like the idea of doxing myself just to get FOIAs. AFAIK it's public information when someone requests it. If you're willing to be the middle man, I'm willing to fund FOIAs.

Very open to suggestions for options on payment, something that has a layer of anonymity for the average user (MAYBE gift cards? Or steam games or something).. hell, for very, very select people, I could give you the money in hand, if you happen to be in middle/southern Sweden or anywhere in Slovakia (willing to consider neighbouring capitals of countries next to Slovakia). But that's way more uncomfortable, and there's zero chance I'd do that for someone not a well established member of this forum/similar forums. Unfortunately I don't have crypto (blame Swedish banks).

I also realise that suggestion looks even weirder since I'm a stranger to most. The only meaningful thing I've contributed to this hobby is being the main archiver of Juraj Krajčík (and shamefully behind on posting discord logs). idk if that actually means anything though.

The cases I'm highly willing to support financially regardless of what is actually being FOIA'd (but still using my discretion, ultimately) are:

- Payton Gendron
- Juraj Krajčík (unsure if they even do that)
- William Atchison
- Stephan Balliet (unsure bc germany lol)

I'm fine to set aside up to $100-$300 per month for this so don't fret too much about the amount - but to clarify, I'm not paying you, I'm paying for the FOIA via you, matching whatever you pay.*

Cases that I'm only somewhat willing to fund:

- Brenton Tarrant
- Elliot Rodger

The funding amount would be much smaller, I can't imagine more than $100-$200 a year.

Off the top of my head, I've been interested in the full fbi audio of the time they visit William Atchison, and any other info related to that day. It would be harder to understand, but I'm fine if it's just the audio of William and the fbi, with no other family members included in the audio. I'm also interested in seeing photos of his self harm and other scars, which were only briefly mentioned in the autopsy report without much actual description. I don't need to see nsfw/the whole autopsy; I don't like it from a dignity perspective if it's uncensored, but you can request more of the autopsy if you want, I will still fund it.

My only request is that you post everything that you get (these FOIAs are for /all/ of us, not just me) that doesn't involve minors or breach privacy of innocents. I'm fine to upload successful FOIAs myself if you don't want to for whatever reason.

*Edit: I'm not sure if the math is mathing here. I made this post after seeing there were people ITT willing to file FOIAs, but didn't have the money to. That was my intent. But if it doesn't sound reasonable then it probably isn't.

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FOIA requests  - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: FOIA requests    FOIA requests  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2024 2:47 am

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PostSubject: Re: FOIA requests    FOIA requests  - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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