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 Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?

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Gold Digger

Gold Digger

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Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Empty
PostSubject: Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?   Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 05, 2019 12:18 pm

I already know about American Horror Story so don't mention that. I just love scary high school stories, and high school movies in general.

Dark. Light. God. Lucifer. Heaven. Hell. GOOD. BAD.
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Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?   Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2019 2:06 am

There is actually a crime series on Netflix called Quicksand which I found very entertaining.
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Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?   Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2019 2:24 pm

Season two for 13 Reasons Why focuses partially on a student who plans to commit a school shooting but the ending for that season is retarded
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Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?   Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2019 9:52 pm

There is a thread I made that is pretty comprehensive in regards to movie and tv shows that depict/focus on mass shootings, here is the link:

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Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?   Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2019 6:32 pm

My favorite one is Bullet Time because of its realism. Isn't so over the top and dramatic like many other school shooter movies.
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Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?   Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings? Icon_minitime

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Any good movies or TV shows or books that relate to school shootings?
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