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 How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?

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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2013 11:25 am

We know that Eric was heavily involved in bomb making. Was Dylan involved in the bomb making?
 Eric was obsessed about fires , fireworks ,pipe bombs and propane bombs ..etc.
Eric seems ( to me ) to be more heavily involved in the bomb making process than Dylan was.
Its seems that Eric concentrated on the bombing and Dylan concentrated on the shooting. Maybe?
How deeply involved was Dylan regarding the bomb making process?
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2013 12:58 pm

Well, he definitive was involved in the pipe bombs and even signed one of his bombs.
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 29, 2013 1:09 pm

The bombs were mostly Eric's baby, or so it feels to me. He was the one in the duo who was most obsessed with stuff that went 'boom'. However, I think that Dylan was in on their construction and knew how to make/set the bombs as well. It seems like the kind of stuff they would've poured over together initially trying to make sense of the process bomb-making entails. They might've bounced ideas back and forth and hunted down the information/stuff they needed together. We know for sure that Dylan was involved in creating the pipe bombs, but I'm pretty certain that he wouldn't just have left the bigger stuff to Eric either. (I mean, if I was going to bomb something with someone else I'd want to make sure they knew what they were doing.. Laughing )
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2013 6:39 pm

It's a good question. I think Dylan was pretty involved with the pipe-bomb making and was evidently quite proud of his work since he showed off specimens at Blackjack pizza and signed at least one pipe-bomb that he left at his house on the day of the attack.

He may have been less involved in the propane bombs, but sure acted pretty confidently around them during NBK. He walks right over to them while Eric has a sip and then ignites the gas-primer and gets a partial detonation w/ a Molotov cocktail. Meanwhile, Eric was shooting from a distance....
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2013 6:55 pm

Dylan drew sketches of a napalm flame thrower.
The petrol / oil mixture were in a tank and fitted inside a backpack.
A hose went from the tank and connected to a gun type release system.
The gun was primed by a pilot gas flame that was fueled by a small propane tank.
Burning people alive...How evil Evil or Very Mad
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 02, 2013 7:31 pm

rik75 wrote:
Dylan drew sketches of a napalm flame thrower.
The petrol / oil mixture were in a tank and fitted inside a backpack.
A hose went from the tank and connected to a gun type release system.
The gun was primed by a pilot gas flame that was fueled by a small propane tank.
Burning people alive...How evil Evil or Very Mad
He also threw a lot of pipe bombs outside and inside the school. I'd assume he made most of the ones he carried....
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 03, 2013 7:55 pm

Question. Who was it that carried the bombs into the cafeteria anyways? I believe it was just Eric, he was the first one who arrived at school that day, but I'm not 100% sure.

"I'd rather die my way than live yours."- Lauren Oliver
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 03, 2013 8:47 pm

Dylan participated in the making and distributing of bombs.
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Posts : 504
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Age : 49
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2013 8:05 am

I have been looking for more info regarding Dylan's Napalm flame thrower. Chris Morris was aware of Eric and Dylan's interest in making Napalm.

Chris Morris was interviewed in the presence of a bomb technician called Mike Guerra. p 7689- p 8274

Guerra : " I was present during an interview of witness Christopher Morris. CM relayed information about the type of devices the suspects had been working on. CM said that the devices he had seen were CO2 cartridges with powder from fireworks inside and hobby fuses. He had also seen a pipe bomb about two inches in diameter and six inches long and with metal shrapnel taped to the outside.

CM continued to say that the suspects had been known to make explosives and use trip wires.
I asked CM to describe the type of wire they used. CM stated they used a string attached to match heads. He also stated that he remembered them mentioning they were experimenting with some sort of Napalm. They were collecting Styrofoam ,gas , wax and modelling putty and mixing all the ingredients together. CM states that he believes this information came from the Anarchist Cookbook." 

This interview is the only one ( i think ) that states the ingredients of the napalm.
As i posted earlier ,Dylan made sketches of a Napalm flame thrower and it was very detailed.
Dylan must have given the NFT some thought and then scrapped the idea.
He may have found the construction to be too complicated and too dangerous to handle.
If you built a NFT and it became faulty and leaked ,your dead ! Burnt alive!
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2013 11:22 am

In the interview with Joe Stair, he mentions that Eric and Dylan "Knew how to make just about every kind of explosive you can make out of household items."

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I get the impression that researching, constructing, and detonating homemade bombs was pretty much a constant preoccupation in the months leading to NBK. The planning and building for NBK altogether provided a source of power and escape for the boys that offered lots of time and opportunity to fantasize and dream of carnage. This is an indication of just how much rage they were storing up inside. It also offered the best chance of the boys aborting NBK through police or parent intervention.

It's not too much of  stretch to say that the bombs were the "heart" of the operation.

Also, while the bombs didn't kill anyone during the attack, the noise, smoke, and mayhem caused by the pipe-bombs and the threat of other explosives is probably the only thing that kept the cops from entering the school right away and also discouraged those in the school from thinking clearly and/or mounting an effective counter-strike. The bombs worked in regard to causing confusion and intimidation.
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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?   How involved was Dylan in the bomb making? Icon_minitime

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How involved was Dylan in the bomb making?
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