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 Dave Sanders

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PostSubject: Dave Sanders   Dave Sanders Icon_minitimeSat Nov 09, 2019 10:08 pm

Honestly, Dave Sanders's death really hurts to learn/think about.

I mean think about it, he was loved by students and teachers, loved all of his children and grandchildren, and was just an all-around nice guy. He put every student first before himself and saved so many lives. Then having to lose him because of 2 students with weapons 

“I’m not going to make it,” Dave said. “Tell my girls I love them.” Sad Sad Sad

Look hard enough and you will always find a light ~ Rachel Joy Scott
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PostSubject: Re: Dave Sanders   Dave Sanders Icon_minitimeSat Nov 09, 2019 10:16 pm

Add to that, his wounds were survivable had he gotten help earlier. Eric and Dylan were dead shortly after noon and they left Dave in there, knowing he was bleeding to death, for another 4 hours.
He should still be here.
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PostSubject: Re: Dave Sanders   Dave Sanders Icon_minitimeSun Nov 10, 2019 9:50 am

Surely their problem was that they didn't know the bombs were dead. They even spoke of fearing that they were being lured into that classroom to die. If you think of just "school shooting", that seems absurd; if you remember "failed bombing", and keep in mind the cops thought their bombs had "the possibility of motion activation", then it's not so silly.
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PostSubject: Re: Dave Sanders   Dave Sanders Icon_minitimeSun Nov 10, 2019 12:41 pm

Dave Sanders was a man of honor

I didn't like life too much -Dylan
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PostSubject: Re: Dave Sanders   Dave Sanders Icon_minitime

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