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 Coni Sanders - Dave's Daughter

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Coni Sanders - Dave's Daughter  Empty
PostSubject: Coni Sanders - Dave's Daughter    Coni Sanders - Dave's Daughter  Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2020 2:05 pm

I came across this on YouTube and found her story very compelling and really wanted to share it with the group.

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Personally I think she's amazing. What shes done with herself and how far shes come, with all she went thru is inspiring.

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Posts : 248
Contribution Points : 63440
Forum Reputation : 725
Join date : 2018-10-28
Age : 33
Location : Littleton, CO

Coni Sanders - Dave's Daughter  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coni Sanders - Dave's Daughter    Coni Sanders - Dave's Daughter  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2020 7:37 pm

Coni is AMAZING! The fact she decided to start working with violent offenders to counsel and rehabilitate, is such a strong thing she does. Most victims familiea want nothing to do with these people, think they're irredeemable and think they're evil. Coni works with these men, and sees the humanity in them and works hard to help turn them around and prevent more victims like her father. Its not easy, with much of the conservative Littleton area looking down at what she's doing. Not all her clients will change or want help. She does this, not for the glory, or infamy or her pride, like some other victims family members might be accused of (Mr. Rohrbough with Colorado Right to "Life" despite hurting other families putting in the permanent memorial plaque for Danny that abortion caused his death and then whenever anyone argues with him about the beliefs he screams everywhere about no birth control, no reproductive rights, he attacks them for being heartless enough to "attack a Columbine victims father", then there's Darrell and his preaching career thanks to Rachel, not saying these things are bad... okay at least in Darrells case, but they're easier than what Coni dies, people support the cause, its not as emotionally and physically trying and draining, your community doesn't judge you, you don't deal with people who have created victims on a regular basis etc.) yet Coni still does it.

She's so strong but also brilliant and hilarious. She's quirky and weird and I love being friends with her. She does her dad so proud every day.

Crash16 and Screamingophelia like this post

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