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 Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large

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Tommy QTR

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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 4:31 am

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Suspect is a white male with short hair wearing a red jacket, with his picture being showed in the source above. There's not a lot of info on this yet but I'm surprised this happened in the Czech Republic of all places, I believe this is the first ever mass shooting to occur in the country although I could be wrong.

I'm suspecting mental illness on this one, I mean who would shoot up a hospital?

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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 5:27 am

It's the second mass shooting in the history of the Czech Republic (the first being in 2015, 8 people were killed). But yes, exactly like you said Tommy, the Czech Republic of all places, I would never think that we would get another mass shooting in only four years...

So, it was announced a few minutes ago that the gunman was found dead after he shot himself. There has been rumors about the motive, none of them has been confirmed but I've read that apparently he believed that he had a deadly illness which no one took seriously, and that he had been acting strange for the past two weeks.

Last edited by beautifullyunconventional on Tue Dec 10, 2019 7:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 7:37 am

beautifullyunconventional wrote:
apparently he believed that he had a deadly illness which no one took seriously, and that he had been acting strange for the past two weeks.

This was already confirmed by the boss of the gunman.

I can't find the source in English but Czech newspaper reports that he threw all of the children who were there out of the waiting room before he started shooting. The victims were all patients of the trauma clinic and were shot in head and chest from a close range. What's also been confirmed is that he held the gun illegaly.
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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 1:37 pm


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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 2:51 pm

beautifullyunconventional wrote:
What's also been confirmed is that he held the gun illegaly.

I see gun control is working its miracles again.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 2:53 pm


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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 3:06 pm

G4145 wrote:
It's most likely a case of mental illness or some sort of delusion.

The guy probably invented a medical issue due to existing mental issues, attempted to have it seen to, was turned away when doctors discovered it didn't/couldn't exist, then went off the deep end and shot up the place.

Exactly. A few weeks ago, a Czech singer announced that he had cancer and today he tweeted that the shooter had been in contact with him prior the shooting, texting him on messenger that he believed he had the same condition and the doctors didn't want to help him. The singer said that the guy was acting strange and something was off with him.

QuestionMark wrote:
beautifullyunconventional wrote:
What's also been confirmed is that he held the gun illegaly.

I see gun control is working its miracles again.

Yep, I wonder if this will be discussed later 'cause there will be a new EU directive about stricter gun laws, and the European Court dismissed a legal challenge that the Czech Republic filled against it a few days ago. It would be nonsense to bring it up of course because you just can't prevent a shooting with an illegaly held gun, and more gun control won't stop it.

Last edited by beautifullyunconventional on Tue Dec 10, 2019 4:27 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 3:18 pm

beautifullyunconventional wrote:
beautifullyunconventional wrote:
apparently he believed that he had a deadly illness which no one took seriously, and that he had been acting strange for the past two weeks.

This was already confirmed by the boss of the gunman.

I can't find the source in English but Czech newspaper reports that he threw all of the children who were there out of the waiting room before he started shooting. The victims were all patients of the trauma clinic and were shot in head and chest from a close range. What's also been confirmed is that he held the gun illegaly.

Damn, that's rough.
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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 4:57 pm

beautifullyunconventional wrote:
G4145 wrote:
It's most likely a case of mental illness or some sort of delusion.

The guy probably invented a medical issue due to existing mental issues, attempted to have it seen to, was turned away when doctors discovered it didn't/couldn't exist, then went off the deep end and shot up the place.

Exactly. A few weeks ago, a Czech singer announced that he had cancer and today he tweeted that the shooter had been in contact with him prior the shooting, texting him on messenger that he believed he had the same condition and the doctors didn't want to help him. The singer said that the guy was acting strange and something was off with him.

Interesting that he tried to get the singer's attention. This could be either paranoid delusions or Munchausen's Syndrome taken to the next level. I wish I had more to say but this case seems rather open and shut.

beautifullyunconventional wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
beautifullyunconventional wrote:
What's also been confirmed is that he held the gun illegaly.

I see gun control is working its miracles again.

Yep, I wonder if this will be discussed later 'cause there will be a new EU directive about stricter gun laws, and the European Court dismissed a legal challenge that the Czech Republic filled against it a few days ago. It would be nonsense to bring it up of course because you just can't prevent a shooting with an illegaly held gun, and more gun control won't stop it.

Man fuck the EU. I hope the Czechs ignore the ruling.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 5:41 pm

hvernon wrote:
beautifullyunconventional wrote:
beautifullyunconventional wrote:
apparently he believed that he had a deadly illness which no one took seriously, and that he had been acting strange for the past two weeks.

This was already confirmed by the boss of the gunman.

I can't find the source in English but Czech newspaper reports that he threw all of the children who were there out of the waiting room before he started shooting. The victims were all patients of the trauma clinic and were shot in head and chest from a close range. What's also been confirmed is that he held the gun illegaly.

Damn, that's rough.

The part about children might not be true, it is still confirmed by one source only, another source reported that he started shooting immediately as he entered the waiting room, and that one child was hiding under a chair during the attack. There has been a lot of misinformation and I'm sorry to add one here. No child has been among victims or injured though.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] we won't get more info that this I'm afraid. As for the restriction, yeah you're right. The rules that we have here work well despite what happened today, I hope it won't be used as an argument for more gun control.
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Primate Murder
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Primate Murder

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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2019 7:02 pm

I’m surprised no mentioned the shooter’s name. His name is Ctirad Vitásek.

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Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Empty
PostSubject: Re: Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large   Czech Hopsital shooting leaves 6 dead and gun at large Icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2019 12:15 pm

Primate Murder wrote:
I’m surprised no mentioned the shooter’s name. His name is Ctirad Vitásek.

Thank you, I forgot to mention that.

Sadly, a woman that was injured in the shooting died today, so the death toll was raised to seven.
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