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 Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case

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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeTue Dec 31, 2019 9:00 pm

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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeWed Jan 01, 2020 6:16 am


Last edited by Duluth on Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeWed Jan 01, 2020 6:36 pm

Well, good.
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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2022 4:50 pm

I read the other day that he is to pay $800+ million now, does he and his company even have that much?
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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2022 5:31 pm

Apparently he’s going bankrupt
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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2022 5:34 pm

Bookish wrote:
Apparently he’s going bankrupt

So what would that actually mean in this case?
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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2022 12:07 am

Rosie1756 wrote:
I read the other day that he is to pay $800+ million now, does he and his company even have that much?

Of course he doesn't, this is a political stunt that's likely to be overturned on appeal. But then again it's fucking clown that this judgement was even rendered so who can say what will happen anymore.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2022 1:11 am

sororityalpha wrote:

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alex jones is fucking insane. how can he say sandy hook DIDNT happen? there's no solid proof or evidence that it didnt!
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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case   Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case Icon_minitime

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Alex Jones and Infowars ordered to pay $100,000 in fees for Sandy Hook case
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