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 Trying to track down Eric's lost web page

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Trying to track down Eric's lost web page Empty
PostSubject: Trying to track down Eric's lost web page   Trying to track down Eric's lost web page Icon_minitimeThu Jan 16, 2020 11:17 pm

Hello, everyone,

I am trying to track down one of Eric's web pages from the Columbine 11k, but I don't know where to start. First of all, Eric appears to have written detailed instructions on how to make CO2, pipe bombs and crickets. On this page, he also appears to told his web audience that as a child, he remembers almost dropping a lighted match on the floor, and he stated that he swore to never do that again. If memory serves, this is also the page that describes how Eric and Dylan tested the bombs in a vacant lot (Clement Park?). I can't find this web page in the Columbine file. Anyone know what page it could be on?
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Age : 36

Trying to track down Eric's lost web page Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trying to track down Eric's lost web page   Trying to track down Eric's lost web page Icon_minitimeTue Jan 21, 2020 8:40 am

I don't but not all the pages were scanned or copied and a lot was lost. I am not sure if this was a page that was saved or not

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need
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Trying to track down Eric's lost web page
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