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 Visiting the Columbine Memorial

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Visiting the Columbine Memorial Empty
PostSubject: Visiting the Columbine Memorial   Visiting the Columbine Memorial Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2020 7:12 pm

Well, after all these years spent dreaming of visiting the school, I’m finally going to be able to do it next month (the memorial, specifically). I’ve been living around an hour from Denver for the past few months. Ive been without my car but I’m getting it back soon. It’s going to be such a surreal experience. I’ll at least take pictures and I might film a short vid.

Anyone have tips/advice? I want to be as respectful as possible.

Hopes and Dreams
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Visiting the Columbine Memorial Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visiting the Columbine Memorial   Visiting the Columbine Memorial Icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2020 10:18 pm

boringguy wrote:
Well, after all these years spent dreaming of visiting the school, I’m finally going to be able to do it next month (the memorial, specifically). I’ve been living around an hour from Denver for the past few months. Ive been without my car but I’m getting it back soon. It’s going to be such a surreal experience. I’ll at least take pictures and I might film a short vid.

Anyone have tips/advice? I want to be as respectful as possible.

Hi! As someone who lives in the Denver area, and lived in Littleton for a year, welcome! Also just enjoy the park and there is a clear path to the memorial. You can climb up to the hill where the crosses once stood and see really beautiful views. You will be able to see the school from there and it is a bit surreal at first.

Bring flowers and enjoy the area, Southwest Plaza is nearby, that is where they got the t-shirts made, the kiosk isn't there anymore but there are of course little "true crime" places you will see.

Just please stay away from the school, I know you will but you have to be so careful because they are not kidding around, they don't want people skulking, the anniversary is in a few short months too...

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Visiting the Columbine Memorial
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