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 Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999

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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 3:59 am

I was looking through Eric’s school planner and I found “do another video” written under April 5th. The only video that I can think of that would have been filmed around that time is Radioactive Clothing. Unless he’s talking about a basement tape, but I don’t think any were filmed on April 5th. He also wrote “commercial?” under September 15th, 1998 for the car wax commercial and that ended up being correct. So do we finally have a date for Radioactive Clothing?

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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 10:30 am

I have heard (and I believe it was on this forum) that Radioactive clothing was filmed around 2 weeks before the shooting so yes that makes sense to me. If I can find the evidence I had read at the time I will post it

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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 11:39 am

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These are the toy weapons from "Radioactive Clothing", right? If Eric had the "weapons" in his car on April 20, they probably recorded the video just before the attack

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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 28, 2020 8:36 pm

its also worth mentioning that radioactive clothing may have been recorded on two separate occasions seeing as both eric and dylan are wearing different clothes
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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 4:02 pm

I remember reading somewhere that it was filmed in March. I can't verify this information though.

I believe that the date here is in reference to wanting to film another video for the basement tapes. Passover in 1999 was from April 1st - 7th. I believe that the traditional Passover seder is supposed to be on the 15th day of Nisan. Which would have been Thursday April 1st. (Please forgive me if I am incorrect as I am not Jewish.)
Sue wrote in her book on page 136, "In another snippet of tape, Dylan complains to Eric that I am making him participate in a Passover seder. On the weekend they made the video, I had decided to make a traditional Passover dinner and invite a neighbor to join us, and I asked both of my sons for their work schedules so I could plan accordingly."

This would put the video on the weekend of April 3rd/4th, or less likely the weekend of April 10th/11th. It's possible that Eric wrote the note before this video, and filmed it early or he could've written it right after, wanting to do another one.
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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2020 4:12 pm

Jaymie wrote:
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These are the toy weapons from "Radioactive Clothing", right? If Eric had the "weapons" in his car on April 20, they probably recorded the video just before the attack

I have always wondered why these were left in his trunk. If memory serves me correctly I think all but one of those gas cans were found in the trunk. I would think that he would have wanted to remove them so he would have had more room for the gas cans and propane tanks.
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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 30, 2020 12:20 pm

Reznor wrote:
Jaymie wrote:
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These are the toy weapons from "Radioactive Clothing", right? If Eric had the "weapons" in his car on April 20, they probably recorded the video just before the attack

I have always wondered why these were left in his trunk. If memory serves me correctly I think all but one of those gas cans were found in the trunk. I would think that he would have wanted to remove them so he would have had more room for the gas cans and propane tanks.

And I wonder why the toy guns were there. It's almost like presenting water pistols at a gun show

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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2020 2:21 am

we know it is towards the end. Dylan has his leather trenchcoat and no longer the oilskin duster. Eric now has his KMDFM cap and military boots. All videos prior Eric wore a green cap and what appears to be black skater shoes.
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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 04, 2020 7:59 am

I wouldn't say that the KMFDM hat is a great timeline marker. He could have ordered it from KMFDMs site as early as the later half of 1997 when it was listed. But we know for sure he had the hat by March 4th, 1999.
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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999   Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999 Icon_minitime

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Radioactive Clothing was possibly filmed on April 5, 1999
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