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 Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos

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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2020 1:42 am

was just browsing through the released columbine tapes (again), and after the 6 years i've been researching this event, this is the first time I actually bothered watching ALL of the footage.

At 53:00 you can clearly see Dylan in the image [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Some may have noticed, some may have not. It's the first time I've ever noticed it.

also, greetings to everyone, kinda new to the forums.

Would like to know what shirt he is wearing.

Last edited by billwa on Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:29 am; edited 2 times in total

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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2020 2:41 am

I am also cleaning up my desktop and want to share a few photo's of eric's website.

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These images come from a video, but I cant remember what video it was from. It's been at least 2 years since I've seen it.

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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2020 7:18 am

He is wearing a NIN Downward Spiral shirt. Based on how many times Dylan is shown wearing it over the years, I'm assuming he wore it often.

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He's also wearing it in the RNN fire video.

I feel like I've seen those photos of the webpages in some kind of news segment involving Brooks Brown, but I can't recall which one.
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PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2020 7:40 am

Thank you, I appreciate the help. I figured it was that shirt, but didn't want to guess and look stupid.

Also, I'm still trying to find the documentary that Eric's website photo's were posted in.
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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2020 7:42 am

You're welcome. Let me know if you find the documentary and I will do the same!
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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2020 6:45 pm

God is first time i see a real pic of eric's site without see only graphics. Please if you remember where is video where you took them post it Surprised

I'm your holy totem, I'm your sick taboo, Radical and radiant. I'm your nightmare coming true! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeThu Feb 27, 2020 6:48 pm

I think pretty much everyone has seen the first one.....
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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeFri Feb 28, 2020 11:39 pm

Dylan really liked that NIN for some reason. I think we've seen it more often than anything else.
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Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitimeSun Mar 01, 2020 1:14 am

the video you are referring to is this one:

Eric's website is mentioned at the 21:52 mark

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PostSubject: Re: Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos   Something you may have not noticed (Dylan Photo) + Eric website photos Icon_minitime

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