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 I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo

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ellie z
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I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Empty
PostSubject: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 11:41 pm

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I honestly can't see them. At all. Nothing. Where the hell are they actually? This photo always stands out because so many people can see Eric and Dylan. I honestly can't see a damn thing. And then there is that one second video clip of Eric running past the windows in the library, yet you couldn't make him out.

Do my eyes suck that bad, or what?
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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 11:48 pm

I don't think your eyes are bad at all. I can't see anything in those circles. It kind of looks like to people standing to the very far left of the photo, but I doubt that

What video are you talking about. I've never seen it.

-I am the shadow that ceases to be understood.
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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 11:51 pm

I can't even see people. LOL.

The video I believe was on the old Columbine board where it was a stickied thread with all the Columbine videos. One was named "Eric in library". It was a one second video shown Eric apparently running past the library windows, and we can see a shadow. I'm trying to see if this board has it, but I am not entirely sure.
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ellie z

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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 11:56 pm

I can see smoky shapes... I'd never guess there were people there. On the left, two windows down from the Eric circle, looks more like a person to me. Trying to concentrate on it and find something I'm seeing all kinds of things... like finding shapes in clouds I think. I can't actually see anything really...
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I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Empty
PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2015 6:55 am

I see mostly just smoke. There's a hint taht someone may eb standing behind the smoke on the left (one circled as Eric), but then again might still be just smoke.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Empty
PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2015 12:01 pm

lol wrote:
And then there is that one second video clip of Eric running past the windows in the library, yet you couldn't make him out.

I actually was the one who first posted this on the old forum. I noticed it in the Columbine: Understanding Why documentary. From what I understand it has since been proven that ain't really Eric running past the window. I can't tell you how and who discovered the error because it happened during my 2 year research hiatus. IIRC, it's probably just a police officer. This footage was shot around 4 p.m.
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I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Empty
PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2015 12:41 pm

MegaloX wrote:
lol wrote:
And then there is that one second video clip of Eric running past the windows in the library, yet you couldn't make him out.

I actually was the one who first posted this on the old forum. I noticed it in the Columbine: Understanding Why documentary. From what I understand it has since been proven that ain't really Eric running past the window. I can't tell you how and who discovered the error because it happened during my 2 year research hiatus. IIRC, it's probably just a police officer. This footage was shot around 4 p.m.

That sounds about right from what I remember, as well.

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I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Empty
PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 6:33 am

ellie z wrote:
I can see smoky shapes... I'd never guess there were people there. On the left, two windows down from the Eric circle, looks more like a person to me. Trying to concentrate on it and find something I'm seeing all kinds of things... like finding shapes in clouds I think. I can't actually see anything really...
Here is the video.

Looks like Eric is running past the lamp
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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 11:24 am

That is NOT Eric in the library.

The 2 bloodstains can be seen under Window 5 that Patrick Ireland had already exited out of.

This video was taken sometime after 2:30pm on April 20 1999
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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2015 10:56 am

sororityalpha wrote:
That is NOT Eric in the library.

The 2 bloodstains can be seen under Window 5 that Patrick Ireland had already exited out of.

This video was taken sometime after 2:30pm on April 20 1999
but there are BLOODSTAINS in the PICTURE
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I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Empty
PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2015 5:15 pm

Aren't those just trees? In the vid?

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2015 7:42 pm

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This video is taken from close to the same angle & shows the exact spots where Patrick Ireland's blood marks were under Window 5.

These EXACT same spots are there in the video that is referenced as being Eric in the library.

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As we know, Patrick Ireland came out of that window around 2:30pm, unless you believe Eric was still alive at that time, there is NO WAY that is Eric.
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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2015 5:28 am

"At 12:02 p.m., Harris and Klebold re-entered the library, which was empty of surviving students except the unconscious Patrick Ireland and the injured Lisa Kreutz. Once inside, they shot at police through the west windows but did not hit anyone."
This means that the windows were broken around 12:01 TO 12:03 which means that the picture was taken somewhere between 12:02-12:08pm. And at 2:38 p.m PI (Patrick Ireland) stretched out of the window

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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2015 11:12 am

KoltiniPad wrote:
ellie z wrote:
I can see smoky shapes... I'd never guess there were people there. On the left, two windows down from the Eric circle, looks more like a person to me. Trying to concentrate on it and find something I'm seeing all kinds of things... like finding shapes in clouds I think. I can't actually see anything really...
Here is the video.

Looks like Eric is running past the lamp

In my post above, I am referring to the Eric in Library video that shows someone running past a broken window after 2:30 pm that day that was NOT

This picture was taken as police & Eric/Dylan exchanged gunfire at the windows of the Library

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PostSubject: Re: I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo   I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo Icon_minitime

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I can't see Eric and Dylan in this photo
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