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 Eric in yearbook photo

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PostSubject: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2020 4:45 pm

Has the colorized version of the yearbook photo of him ever been released? Or is it only this one where he's cropped out:

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Feels like somebody out there with the yearbook would have released it
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PostSubject: Re: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2020 5:09 pm

I thought the version with Harris and his black attire in it was pulled before the yearbooks went to print?
It was my impression that the yearbook committee gave that photo and Robyn's TCM dedication to the police but neither made it into the final yearbook.
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Fata Morgana

Fata Morgana

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PostSubject: Re: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2020 6:42 pm

It would be interesting to know the date the yearbook was printed, their photos as seniors are still there. Would it be before or after the massacre?

"You want to know everything, so you never do anything" (Le Diable probablement)
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PostSubject: Re: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 1:43 am

23september wrote:
Has the colorized version of the yearbook photo of him ever been released? Or is it only this one where he's cropped out:

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Feels like somebody out there with the yearbook would have released it

Just so tou know that senior picture wasn't in the yearbook. At Columbine and most CO high schools, the big senior pic is put on the wall of the school somewhere with other senior classes pictures Its not in the Yearbook though. Each students individual senior pictures are in color, taken the summer between junior and senior year, and if the parents pay, a black and white baby picture in the back of the yearbook. Columbine also had where friends of seniors, either the same class or below, could pay for shootouts to their friends. But no the big senior class photo isn't in the Yearbook.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 1:46 am

Fata Morgana wrote:
It would be interesting to know the date the yearbook was printed, their photos as seniors are still there. Would it be before or after the massacre?

I believe the last copy of the main yearbook is submitted around February There is an addition for Spring Sports that is a handful of pages added in later, but the main Yearbook copy is sent in around the start of second semester. Some parts like underclassmen class photos are sent in earlier. There's a number of deadlines through the fall/winter with the final copy due around February. I had friends on the Rebulations staff and they went to camp in the summer and worked like crazy fall semester and over winter My picture wasn't included Senior year with the rest because they thought I was going to have to transfer to McLain the JeffCo alternative school. Senior Pics were due August/September way at the start of the year.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 5:07 am

thelmar wrote:
I thought the version with Harris and his black attire in it was pulled before the yearbooks went to print?
It was my impression that the yearbook committee gave that photo and Robyn's TCM dedication to the police but neither made it into the final yearbook.

I thought the yearbooks had already been printed before 4/20 but I could definitely be wrong
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PostSubject: Re: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitimeWed Sep 23, 2020 5:09 am

milennialrebelette wrote:
23september wrote:
Has the colorized version of the yearbook photo of him ever been released? Or is it only this one where he's cropped out:

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Feels like somebody out there with the yearbook would have released it

Just so tou know that senior picture wasn't in the yearbook. At Columbine and most CO high schools, the big senior pic is put on the wall of the school somewhere with other senior classes pictures  Its not in the Yearbook though. Each students individual senior pictures are in color, taken the summer between junior and senior year, and if the parents pay, a black and white baby picture in the back of the yearbook. Columbine also had where friends of seniors, either the same class or below, could pay for shootouts to their friends. But no the big senior class photo isn't in the Yearbook.

Yeah sure, but what about the black and white picture of Harris, there's a colorized version with him cropped out so someone must've removed it before posting? I can't see why there'd be a black and white one available if that wasn't the case
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PostSubject: Re: Eric in yearbook photo   Eric in yearbook photo Icon_minitime

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