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 Evil Tarzan - vandal and bomber from Ceará, Brazil

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Evil Tarzan - vandal and bomber from Ceará, Brazil Empty
PostSubject: Evil Tarzan - vandal and bomber from Ceará, Brazil   Evil Tarzan - vandal and bomber from Ceará, Brazil Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2021 11:21 pm

The Evil Tarzan (Tarzan do Mal) is a unidentified Brazilian criminal that terrorized residents of Ipu, Ceará district in Brazil.

The Evil Tarzan story:
During the nights of May 17 to 18, 2019 in Ipu, Ceará, Brazil, a man in a motorcycle passed in a bairro screaming like the character Tarzan and making confusions. Then, he broke into a door of a home in the Rua Maria Lopes, leaving a big hole in the door. The events led to confusion to the residents of the bairro, and they reported the incident to police on May 20.

The radio reporter Francisco José Jorge de Sousa made a broadcast in his radio program asking to the police to identify the person responsible for the incident; it is thought that the Evil Tarzan heard this broadcast and wanted revenge.

Source: Em Ipu, "Tarzan do Mal" ataca no bairro Alto da Boa Vista

In June 23, 2019 the vandal striked again, this time in the home of the radio reporter Jorge de Sousa. He threw an homemade bomb at the window of the house of Jorge de Sousa, then fled screaming like as the aforementioned character Tarzan.

In this attack, he left evidence: an pair of gloves, the first containing his nickname (Tarzan do Mal), and the other containing an symbol that the character Roy Mustang, from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist, uses.

"The bomb exploded from below one of the windows on the dormitory. I left immediately and found the gloves and other objects. I could hear him screaming impersonating the Tarzan. I could not understand how a person could architect a situation like this." said Jorge de Sousa.

To this day, the Evil Tarzan has not been identified.

“Tarzan do Mal” explode bomba e deixa luva com referência à FullMetal Alchemist, Vândalo conhecido como 'Tarzan do Mal' explode bomba e assusta moradores em Ipu, no Ceará

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Evil Tarzan - vandal and bomber from Ceará, Brazil
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