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 I can relate to the random witnesses that came out of the woodwork.

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I can relate to the random witnesses that came out of the woodwork. Empty
PostSubject: I can relate to the random witnesses that came out of the woodwork.   I can relate to the random witnesses that came out of the woodwork. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2021 10:25 am

About a month ago there was a robbery at a place I worked at and at the time it happened I thought it could have been an active shooting.

I googled the location and I was frustrated there was no news of it happening an hour after I ran away from the scene. I called up the news because I thought the media needed "help" (naive as hell, I know). My face was on the local news for 3 seconds after I agreed to a zoom interview. It was only after I completed this interview that I found out no one was hit by bullets (though shots were fired).

So anyways, I can relate to witnesses such as Brooks Brown, Alex Marsh, Joe Stair, and some random co-workers at Blackjack Pizza who for whatever reason wanted to talk to the media, however limited their perspectives were. Maybe they think it's a civic duty or something. Maybe it's not all just self-interest.
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I can relate to the random witnesses that came out of the woodwork.
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