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 At what point before the massacre

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PostSubject: At what point before the massacre   At what point before the massacre Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 5:11 pm

At what point before the massacre do you believe Eric and Dylan were both sure that it would take place?

Personally, I think Eric knew full well it was going to go ahead months in advance, and was 100% sure even if he acted alone it was going to go down.

Dylan, I believe, wasn't sure until a day or two before it happened that it definitely would. Maybe he wasn't even convinced until the bombs were planted.

I suspect even, given Dylan's initial reluctance to fire in the early stages of the massacre, he may have been relieved the bombs didn't go off.
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PostSubject: Re: At what point before the massacre   At what point before the massacre Icon_minitimeTue Feb 18, 2014 10:49 pm

I think they were both very sure once they had guns. Also, I don't see how Dylan was reluctant at all. He had an unreliable weapon that jammed initially during the attack and he was throwing pipe-bombs rather than shooting kids, but in actuality, he was whooping it up and having a good time.

Remember: Dylan had a crappy Tec-9 that jammed, and a breech-loaded double barrel that was very difficult for him to reload. He shot Lance Kirkland in the face at point blank range, laughed about it, "Look at that dick's head!" and was lobbing pipe-bombs at everything in sight.

Since he was the one to run into the Cafeteria and check on the bombs, I don't think he was "relieved" that they didn't go off.

Also, the boys planned to take turns throwing bombs and shooting, as mentioned in an early NBK-related entry in Eric's journal.
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PostSubject: Re: At what point before the massacre   At what point before the massacre Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2014 2:34 am

gustopoet wrote:
I think they were both very sure once they had guns. Also, I don't see how Dylan was reluctant at all. He had an unreliable weapon that jammed initially during the attack and he was throwing pipe-bombs rather than shooting kids, but in actuality, he was whooping it up and having a good time.

Remember: Dylan had a crappy Tec-9 that jammed, and a breech-loaded double barrel that was very difficult for him to reload. He shot Lance Kirkland in the face at point blank range, laughed about it, "Look at that dick's head!" and was lobbing pipe-bombs at everything in sight.

Since he was the one to run into the Cafeteria and check on the bombs, I don't think he was "relieved" that they didn't go off.

Also, the boys planned to take turns throwing bombs and shooting, as mentioned in an early NBK-related entry in Eric's journal.

The statement that let us think Dylan may not have been sure, even close to the massacre is in his entry of January 20th, 1999: Maybe going NBK (gawd) with Eric is the way to break free. I hate this.

It suggests he was not so sure it was the right thing to do. Maybe not enough to reconsider but "I'm in doubt about what I'm about to do", kind of thinking.

The (gawd) and the I hate this always stump me.

"Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do? My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape."
- American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis (1991)
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PostSubject: Re: At what point before the massacre   At what point before the massacre Icon_minitimeWed Feb 19, 2014 2:57 am

JayJay wrote:

It suggests he was not so sure it was the right thing to do. Maybe not enough to reconsider but "I'm in doubt about what I'm about to do", kind of thinking.

The (gawd) and the I hate this always stump me.

There's a thread on this, in case you (or anyone else who's interested) haven't wandered into it:

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