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 Sandy Hook DESPP books

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Sandy Hook DESPP books Empty
PostSubject: Sandy Hook DESPP books   Sandy Hook DESPP books Icon_minitimeTue Jun 29, 2021 1:53 pm

These books contain much of info regarding the case. Let's post the most interesting and curious details here.
I'll start with this one - I've actually never heard anything of this evidence and Adam trying to rent a room somewhere:
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These were taken from the book 8, pages 207-209. Though it wasn't actually confirmed it was Adam, something tells me it could be him.
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Sandy Hook DESPP books Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook DESPP books   Sandy Hook DESPP books Icon_minitimeWed Jun 30, 2021 6:57 am

A letter written by Nancy to Paul Fox, a psychiatrist who briefly treated Adam back in 2007:
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Book 7, p. 535.
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Sandy Hook DESPP books Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook DESPP books   Sandy Hook DESPP books Icon_minitimeSun Jul 04, 2021 6:51 am

List of digital evidence found at Lanza's house:
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Book 1, pages 435-436.
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PostSubject: Re: Sandy Hook DESPP books   Sandy Hook DESPP books Icon_minitime

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