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 Body outside the school

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Body outside the school Empty
PostSubject: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2014 6:45 am

I don't know if this has been discussed yet or not, but... who is this on the video? at 7:37
I know there was a longer video of this, but I can't seem to find it. It doesn't seem right that the cops would be dragging a body in that manner (desecration of a corpse) + it's interfering with a crime scene (weren't the bodies left there until taken to the coroner's on the 21st?). I'm confused.

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PostSubject: Re: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2014 10:32 am

Rachel Scott?
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Body outside the school Empty
PostSubject: Re: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitimeTue Mar 04, 2014 6:33 pm

It could be Rachel Scott. I was under the impression it was Richard Castaldo -- that he was injured and they were trying to get him away from the school because the shooting was going on?
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Body outside the school Empty
PostSubject: Re: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitimeWed Mar 05, 2014 2:41 am

I've found the longer video, here you can actually see what happened: from 2:04. Youtube comments say it was Rachel Scott, but it was reported she was wearing beige/tan pants that day - the person being dragged around is wearing black pants so it could be Richard Castaldo.
What baffles me is the way they were dragging him (i mean ffs, the poor guy had been shot what, 8 times?!) and then they just left him there?!
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Body outside the school Empty
PostSubject: Re: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitimeWed Apr 02, 2014 8:03 pm

Theres actually yet another video where the kid's are running around the body. Then they decided to drag it off. I will see if I can find the video again.
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PostSubject: Re: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2014 4:46 pm

Yes those two videos are both of Rachel Scott being dragged around

The rescue team that went in for Richard and Rachel consisted of Captain DiManna holding shield, behind him was Lt Phelan checking on & dragging the bodies, to Phelan's left was Tech Gray and to Phelan's right was Dan O'Shea.

The aerial footage shows the rescue in the most complete video sequence that shows Richard being dragged out first then placed on the front bumper of the fire truck. Then, Rachel is rescued and then Richard is placed into a police car

The 2nd video shows when Rachel was dragged across to her final location
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PostSubject: Re: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2014 4:57 pm

It is well to to note the time of this rescue & the engagement the police have with suspect(s)

Dan O'Shea:

He heard Division Chief calling for SWAT officers to respond to Columbine High School on a report of shots fired at the school. He went, with other SWAT members, and escorted about 100 people out back through already secured areas. The rescue operation took place about noon.

Sgt. O'Shea's unit later went to the library. He moved forward to render cover when they closed in on the library. One of the suspects threw an improvised explosive and Sgt. 0'Shea fired his weapon. This happened at the door by the entry way. A suspect discharged at least 3 rounds in the direction of the SWAT officers. He said that he could see muzzle flash coming from the suspect, but could not see the shooter. He believes that he did not hit any suspect with his rounds.

Sgt. O'Shea said that during the performance of his duties he: directed cover fire to prevent hostiles from harming the rescue teams, exchanged fire with the suspects who fired.

Sgt. O'Shea said that he shot 9 to 12 3 burst rounds.

And look at his diagram on page 008446
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PostSubject: Re: Body outside the school   Body outside the school Icon_minitime

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