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 Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries

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Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Empty
PostSubject: Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries   Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2022 6:47 pm

Unless otherwise noted the victim was paralyzed.

Don’t include shootings with massive tolls such as Las Vegas.

Randallstown High (Gang related/conflict)
Tasso da Silveira Municipal School
Escola Estadual Coronel Benedito Ortiz
Columbine (2 students paralyzed because Eric and Dylan didn’t finish them off)
Chardon High
Heath High
Fayetteville High (North Carolina) (a victim suffers pain and numbness in neck after a 22 caliber bullet lodged in her neck)
Richland (a teacher was shot in the head)
Poway synagogue (one victim lost a finger)
Roseburg 2006 (Severed nerves in leg)
Santana (one victim complains of loss of feeling in leg)
Tacoma Mall
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Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries   Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Icon_minitimeTue Jan 25, 2022 10:55 pm

Sutherland Springs Church Shooting: Kris Workman was paralyzed from the waist down after being shot in the back.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"
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Join date : 2021-12-27

Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries   Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2022 6:42 am

Colegio Americano del Noreste shooting - 1 victim was critically wounded in the head, miraculously survived but with cognitive impairment.
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Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries   Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries Icon_minitime

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Shootings that left a survivor paraplegic or other permanent injuries
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