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 If one had died before the other

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If one had died before the other Empty
PostSubject: If one had died before the other   If one had died before the other Icon_minitime17/3/2014, 16:52

If Eric or Dylan had died before the other in the early stages of the massacre, what do you think the other would have done?

I'm not talking the few seconds in between the suicides as did happen, I mean say Eric was hit in the early gun exchanges - would this have scared Dylan as he was on his own after that? Would it have enraged him seeing his buddy shot by a cop and gone on an even worse spree?

I think that if Eric was killed early on, Dylan would have soon followed with death by cop. I think if Dylan had gone down early, I would guess Eric may have tried to detonate the bombs & then upon failure, death by cop would also take him.
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If one had died before the other Empty
PostSubject: Re: If one had died before the other   If one had died before the other Icon_minitime20/3/2014, 10:42

I'm really not sure if one of them would've carried on with aNBK if the other one died.  Maybe they'd shoot at a cop to provoke them?
I think that this is the way they wanted to die:
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PostSubject: Re: If one had died before the other   If one had died before the other Icon_minitime20/3/2014, 14:00

I know they spoke about death by cop but I guess suicide was the most sensible. That way the could make sure they got the job done. More of a risk surviving I guess if hit by a cop rather that a self inflicted shot to the head.
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If one had died before the other Empty
PostSubject: Re: If one had died before the other   If one had died before the other Icon_minitime21/3/2014, 23:11

In situations like that, wouldn't it make more sense for the cops to just injure them/take them down than to actually kill them? That way they can speak to them about what they've done and try to get answers?

I think that if Eric was killed early on, say by Neil Gardner during the gunfire exchange, that Dylan would have probably just killed himself right then. I honestly don't see Dylan going on the rampage without Eric.

I think that if Dylan would have died early on, that Eric would have probably gone down to the Cafeteria to mess around with his bombs and if he couldn't get them to explode, I imagine he would have just shot himself in the mouth right there in the Cafeteria.

Personally, I don't see either one of them actually attempting death by cop because of the risk that they would survive.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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PostSubject: Re: If one had died before the other   If one had died before the other Icon_minitime

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