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 mass killers who used a bow

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mass killers who used a bow Empty
PostSubject: mass killers who used a bow   mass killers who used a bow Icon_minitimeSun Apr 17, 2022 6:08 pm

Is the bow a very common weapon among mass killers ?
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Primate Murder
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mass killers who used a bow Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass killers who used a bow   mass killers who used a bow Icon_minitimeSun Apr 17, 2022 9:36 pm

Espen Anderson Brathen is a good example of a mass killer using a classic bow. There's also David Njenga Fundi who used a bow and poisoned arrows.

Crossbows are much more common (Max Porta, Mika Muranen, that one Japanese familicide)

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mass killers who used a bow Empty
PostSubject: Re: mass killers who used a bow   mass killers who used a bow Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2022 2:13 pm

I mean there's not more than 5 or so who used a bow

Killisaki here had a crossbow, but he got a visit from the partyvan

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