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 Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter.

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Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter. Empty
PostSubject: Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter.   Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2022 10:20 am

What are such but killers? the soldier is literally an assassin who is allowed to use all weapons against a given population when convenient. the butcher is a man who kills animals to sell their entrails to feed the population, and the woodcutter, kills trees to either become fuel for heating, or simply to be raw materials. not even the most sadistic serial killer known can be as grim as the population's ignorance of this data. so...... why read horror books while in front of a fireplace? you are already living a horror movie, where you are the monster.

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Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter.   Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 19, 2022 11:50 am

This would almost be insightful if it wasn't for the fact that many mass murderers and serial killers do or try to acquire jobs that involve committing acts of violence. This is so prevalent that we have an [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. Your thesis also suggests that shooting enemy soldiers in war is similar to shooting unarmed combatants, when the existence of laws and customs of war suggests against this interpretation (although these regulations are not stridently enforced). Grand sweeping statements like this are why I don't like these pseudo philosophical musings. You have to selectively ignore evidence to the contrary in order to have it make sense.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Want to be a serial killer? become a soldier, a butcher or a woodcutter.
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