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 Can anyone find that episode of 'Killer Kids' about Christopher Churchill?

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Can anyone find that episode of 'Killer Kids' about Christopher Churchill? Empty
PostSubject: Can anyone find that episode of 'Killer Kids' about Christopher Churchill?   Can anyone find that episode of 'Killer Kids' about Christopher Churchill? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2022 9:22 pm

Can any one the episode of the show 'Mind Of A Killer'  formally 'Killer Kids' about family Annihilator Christopher C. Churchill 

Christopher C. Churchill was 16 in 1998 when he bludgeoned his half-brother Jonathan Lloyd, 17, and his 35-year-old fiance Debra Smith, a-log with her three children Jennifer, 12, Korey, 10, and Kenneth, 6, he had also raped the body of Jennifer as she lay dying 

Mr Churchill left the died bodies in there single-story frame house on North Noble Avenue where he would routinely molest the bodies when asked why he did this he responded "I just felt like being sick" the bodies were kept there for six days 

after six days people at the schools that Jennifer, Kenneth, and Korey went to got suspicious after they had heard nothing from the three

Mr Churchill was sentence to life without parole in 1999 for the massacre however he's was re-sentence in 2016 but I couldn't find what he's new sentence is

this is a pretty interesting case but it's not very well known so it's good to find anything about this case especially documentary wise

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Can anyone find that episode of 'Killer Kids' about Christopher Churchill?
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