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 What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan?

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What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan? Empty
PostSubject: What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan?   What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2022 7:05 am

Curious about people's opinions on this.
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What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan?   What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2022 10:27 am

Probably would have killed around 4 or 5, then committed suicide. He'd get a bit more publicity than he does have now for shooting up a school, but other than that, not much.

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What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan?   What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2022 11:42 am

His YouTube channel would have possibly been deleted quicker amounting to a loss of content, it’s kind of like shooters who already are part of an online community and would be remembered and preserved by a few if they suddenly died but instead chose notoriety and all their online content is nuked before anyone gets the chance to save all of it.

He would just be one of many school shooters the only spotlight he would get is being a former student in his twenties racking up a few kills and his online material would fuel the headlines for a week or so, after that he would only be mentioned among other statistics.

I highly doubt he would have murdered that many people he was troubled more so than a violent pychopath and he would have lost interest / investment quickly. I also think his focus would be on destroying property after an initial volley.

Also if he did shoot up he would probably have a few fangirls but that isn’t anything special considering they will worship anyone and will forget about you after they grow the fuck up

That’s just my input but I think the scenario played out the best it could have possibly went considering what he wanted to do.

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PostSubject: Re: What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan?   What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan? Icon_minitime

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What if Trey Sesler had gone ahead with his plan?
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