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 Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police

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Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2022 5:13 pm

Would he show any remorse? What would be his sentence? Would he be deemed fit to stand trial? I will make more posts like these, because things like this really fascinate me. Give me your opinions, and tell me which shooters you would like to see a similar post about next time.

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Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2022 5:18 pm

He would be fit to stand trial and would certainly get a whole life sentence, as there is no death penalty option in California. He would most likely commit suicide in prison soon after his arrest.

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Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2022 11:48 pm


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Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police Icon_minitime

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Theoretical scenario: Elliot Rodger was taken alive by the police
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