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 Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police

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Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 10:37 am

What do you think would have happened if Omar Mateen had been taken alive by the police? What would his sentence have been? How would he be treated by other prisoners? What would he say in court?
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Age : 21
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Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 10:39 am

DanielBryer wrote:
What do you think would have happened if Omar Mateen had been taken alive by the police? What would his sentence have been? How would he be treated by other prisoners? What would he say in court?
he would've said "daniel bryer is a faggot" and been absolved of any wrongdoing

Oh to be a cigarette in a ball pit 3

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Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 10:41 am

Amokauliflower wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
What do you think would have happened if Omar Mateen had been taken alive by the police? What would his sentence have been? How would he be treated by other prisoners? What would he say in court?
he would've said "daniel bryer is a faggot" and been absolved of any wrongdoing
I hate you for all you have said to me in the past, but this made me laugh.
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Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2022 1:33 pm

He would have got Federal death penalty for terrorism.

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Posts : 834
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Age : 28
Location : Exeter, England

Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 8:51 am

Rosie1756 wrote:
He would have got Federal death penalty for terrorism.
Are you going to get an avatar any time soon, Rosie?
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Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police Icon_minitime

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Theoretical scenario: Omar Mateen was taken alive by the police
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