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 Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police

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Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 5:04 am

What would his sentence be? How would he be treated by fellow prisoners? Would he show any remorse?

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Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2022 1:14 am

He would absolutely be an Incel in a cell, just like Alek Minnassian. I think he would commit suicide in prison.

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Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSat Jul 08, 2023 7:39 pm

Rosie1756 wrote:
He would absolutely be an Incel in a cell, just like Alek Minnassian. I think he would commit suicide in prison.
David Katz was not an incel
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Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSat Jul 08, 2023 7:43 pm

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Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Icon_minitimeSat Jul 08, 2023 7:44 pm

buffalobill91 wrote:
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I don't get it.
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Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police   Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police Icon_minitime

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Theoretical scenario: David Katz was taken alive by the police
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