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 Native American shooters

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Location : Southern USA

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PostSubject: Native American shooters   Native American shooters Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2022 11:39 am

What’s the deal with natives and school shootings?
Per capita natives are bigger perpetrators than whites.

Evan Ramsey

Randan Fontaine

Jaylen fryberg

Jeffrey weise

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PostSubject: Re: Native American shooters   Native American shooters Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2022 3:20 pm

Reservations are shitholes with high crime drug and suicide rates so it's no shock they have school shootings.

Really is the perfect storm

Seth Trickey and Bruco Eastwood are 2 others
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Posts : 252
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Location : Southern USA

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PostSubject: Re: Native American shooters   Native American shooters Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2022 7:15 am

vril wrote:
Reservations are shitholes with high crime drug and suicide rates so it's no shock they have school shootings.

Really is the perfect storm

Seth Trickey and Bruco Eastwood are 2 others

+guns are an important part of modern native culture
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PostSubject: Re: Native American shooters   Native American shooters Icon_minitime

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